Chapter 30

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Emily's POV

I smiled and continued doing my bandage.

"They [4] were one of the best team in the whole summer camp and also got along well. After the summer camp they continued to stay in contact and were always together," I smiled and had took the bandage off. I could feel Zayn's gaze on me. I took a cotton and cleaned the wound.

"Everything was going on good. They were each others best friends. After a few months dad proposed mom and were dating and uncle and aunt were taking slow steps too."

I smiled and looked at Zayn who was still staring at the wound with a pained and sorry expression but then looked at me and smiled.

"It was just 3 months before our parents marriage," I chuckled 'cause Zayn looked at me confused.

"They decided to marry on the same day, you know per-fect best friend goals," I said smiling to which Zayn smiled too.

I applied an ointment which Sarah gave and placed a cotton and then started to bandage it.

"But then one day it changed. Chief visited them once when he had just started this organization. It was just growing up, and he was picking people who were orphan or were away from their families amd not to mention had the skills and abilities to become a spy. Mom was a orphan and Dad only had his mom who was staying with his brother. Dad and his brother had fights so he stayed away from them. Uncle and Aunt had their families, whom they later on completely distanced 'cause of all the risk involved" I answered the question which was visible on Zayn's face with a small smile.

"Chief told them that they were being watched for months by the agency from the day of the summer camp. It was actually a set up by our organization to find out the most eligible spies for the organization. Chief was keeping a close watch on them and they were the ones he wanted. They were hardworking and quick at picking up new things and most importantly they were a team," I smiled and continued doing my bandage.

"Then Chief offered them to join the agency as they had the required skills," I looked at Zayn after doing my bandage.

"Our parents discussed about it for a few days and then joined the agency accepting the Chief's offer. Chief bought them to this agency, which was still a baby," I said smiling.

"Chief himself taught them ways to fight but our parents were inventors too," I looked at him.

"Many of the weapons like the darts, some special guns are made by our moms. They came up with the idea of making disguise weapons. They invented their own moves and tricks to fight, which were taught to us," I added with a small smile.

"I would love to learn them again," Zayn said smiling bright.

"Look Emily I really don't remember who I was and what, but I have thought of giving a chance to my own self and try and remember the old me. I would really appreciate if you could teach me all those moves and tricks to fight. I really hope I can remember at least something," He said with hopeful eyes.

I smiled brightly. Finally what I had wanted had happened. Zayn had accepted his past and wanted to remember it so how could I say no.

"Sure. Imma personally train you with those moves but there were some special moves which were taught to you only by you parents, I don't know those. I know most of your moves 'cause you used them when we use to train but there was this one special move which you were going to teach me on my birthday," I said looking down.

"You said that would be my birthday gift because you knew how much I loved to learn new moves. We were going to practice them when we would reach the top but...," I slowly trailed off bitting my inner cheeks to not cry.

"Hey hey," Zayn said and moved close and held my hands in his.

"I.. I don't know what to say but you know that we can't go back right? And," He looked down, "I think I'm getting some flashes like... I don't know but it feels like I know this place. I just-, " He looked at me.

"I wanna stay and try to remember my past and I know only you can help, " He said looking straight in my eyes with so much trust and hope making it difficult to look away. So I smiled, "I will do everything I can to help you." Zayn smiled making me smile bright.

"And about moves, " He said getting a bit back, "No worries, teach me as much as you can and I promise to give my best," Zayn said giving his best smile.

I smiled back. I went on to bandage my arm but it was difficult 'cause I couldn't use my one hand, that's when Zayn leaned forward, "Lemme help you," he said smiling. I smiled back and allowed him to help me.

"So how did our parents meet Simon?" Zayn asked while dressing my wound.

I frowned the moment I heard his name.

"Well after 6 months of joining. He was their classmate and was chosen just like them. Yes he was intelligent and strong," I said to which Zayn nodded.

"They were always going out on missions together and working together because at that time this agency had just been formed and was a top secret so there weren't many people. Chief had handed the controls of the Agency in our dad's hand . Our mom's were in- charge of the inventory. Our parents trusted Simon more than anyone, treated him equal to them though they were his seniors, got him married to Lucy," I smiled.

"Such a beautiful soul she is, but Simon had something else in his mind. All he wanted was money. His greed made him sell our secrets to our enemies and he joined hands with them and got himself kicked out of the agency. He was like a nightmare to our parents. He broke their bond and trust all together. They were so broken," I looked down and closed my eyes tight holding back the tears.

Zayn suddenly pulled me in a warm hug and slowly rubbed by back, "hey calm down," he was saying it softly, I breathed out and relaxed.

A/N: Sorry for such a short chapter. I will try to update more often and with long chapters.
Love yaa xoxo!!

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