Chapter 32

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I was just staring at Emily clueless and completely shocked. She looked at me and turned to me.

"I know you have many questions running on in your mind. Imma answer them. So first you wanna know what is this and how did I get the digital blueprint, right?" She asked. I nodded.

"Okay so," Emily turned to the blue print, "A few years ago after Simon's first attack where we lost many of our agents and," Emily looked down, "my best friend. I and John without informing the chief or anyone went all alone on a suicide mission. I and John had been following two members of B.C. for a week and observed them from head to toe, the way they acted, talked, walked,everything. We started to practice it in our own selves and once we were sure about our acting and also the voice change,"

Emily looked at me, "We some how tackled them in a dark alley not quiet far from their agency and disguised ourself's like them and knocked them out for 6 hours with the special darts we had made." I looked at her amused.

"Then we entered Simon's Agency. We passed through every door we could and kept in mind what was were and noted down and came back in 5 hours, changed and came back to the agen-"

"Wait, wait," I interrupted her, "does that mean you know every door of Simon's Agency?" I asked her looking at the blue print and then at her.

Emily breathed out and shaked her head. "Not all. There's this one door," Emily said pointing to one door which was I assume at the basement of the agency.

"It was heavily guarded and except for Simon no one could get past it," Emily said a small smile playing through her lips.

"And you tried getting past it?" I asked.

Emily nodded, "When Simon went out for some work, I dressed up like him and reached upto the doors," she said while turning herself to me completely and with a small smile.

I shaked my head and looked at her a bit surprised. "And what happened?"

Emily chuckled nervously and scratched the back of her head. "Simon got a tip of me being in his agency and he was back when I was at the door. I somehow managed to escape with a few bruises but I didn't care about them, but the scolding I got from John after I returned was quiet harsh," she had with a pout when she complained about John, making me chuckle.

She smiled to me. "That's really brave of you to think of such a stunt and do it," I exclaimed.

Emily laughed and look at me, "It's no stunt. It's all I did for my greed," she said and went back to watching the blueprint.

"What greed?" I asked confused.

Emily sighed and turned to me. "Well I invaded Simon's Agency so I could find out what weapons he had, what were his future plans and most importantly why was he behind you."

I nodded. "Well I don't see any greed in this. You did it so y'll can be prepared for what is coming, so it no greed," I smiled to her. She smiled back and nodded.

"But about you.. it's my personal thing. So you know it's the greed," she said.

I smiled to her. I really liked the way Emily was trying to keep all her personal problems away from her agency.

"So how does this actually work? And how are these dots moving?" I asked her looking at the blue print.

Emily chuckled, making me look at her, "Well that's a bit of a funny part. You know it's impossible to keep a track of every member of their agency. And when we created this we didn't know what to do with it. So we decided to place a tracker in all the members of their agency," she said and turned to face me.

"Whenever I and John used to fight with them we used to hold small injections in our hands," she typed something on the keyboards and a boxed opened up to her side from which she took out a palm size injection but it was different from the normal ones.

"So as you can see this injection is different and has a bigger tip than our normal injections. So while fighting we used to inject tracking chips in their bodies without them noticing. So whoever we have fought with until now, they have this chips in them and those are this yellow dots," Emily said with a smile. I smiled back.

"Okay I get the yellow dots but the red dot? I'm sure Simon doesn't come out frequently and even if he does y'll don't get a chance to fight him right?"

"Yeah," Emily sighed. "This chip in Simon is planted on the day of your concert, when we were chit chatting with him. Before leaving I got a chance to attack him that's when I planted this chip," Emily said staring at the red dot.

"Hmm," I was shocked by her action. I still remember she was so vulnerable when she found out Simon had killed our parents, yet she was able to think of such a thing and act at the same time.

"These chips are working through GPS. That's why they are moving," she smiled a little to me.

"Okay that makes this whole thing more clear," I said smiling.

"Yep. Let's leave then hm?" Emily asked and turned the map off.

I nodded and we started to walk back out. "So you gonna tell RJ about this? I mean he is the Head of this HQ so-" I asked her curious.

"No. I mean it's a thing of only me and John, and I- it's a matter of trust you see. If this gets leak then it will alert Simon and I don't want that," Emily said walking into the lift.

"Hm. So does that mean you don't trust...RJ?" I asked unsure.

Emily turned to me and sighed pressing our floor button.

"I do but he is still new to me. Sometimes it feels he is hiding something from me. I just- I can't complete trust him."

I nodded then realised something.

"So you trust me? I mean you showed me the map and told me everything about it," I looked at her.

Emily smiled and the lift dinged open and she walked out, me following her.

"Emily tell me," I said pleading.

Emily chuckled and turned to me.

"I trust you more than myself," she smiled.

"Go and rest or go out. Take care," she smiled and walked into her room, leaving me confused there.

A/N: So here's the new update. Hope y'll liked it. Lemme know in the comments section if y'll did.
And sorry for any errors.
Don't forget to vote.
Take care.
Love y'll xoxo!!

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