Chapter 12

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I slowly woke up looking around, it was dark. I glanced at the clock and it was 5 pm. I slowly got out of bed and walked over to the door still sleepy. I was about to open the door when someone walked in. The sudden opening of the door startled me, kicking me off my feet as I tried to move back from the door. I lost my balance which made me shut my eyes 'cause of the pain that ran down my body. I was waiting to say hello to the floor but that didn't happen instead I felt as if I was held by two strong ropes except they were warm. 

I slowly opened my eyes to see that RJ was holding me in his arms. He slowly made me stand, "Are you okay?" he asked still holding me and making sure I wasn't hurt anywhere. I nodded still a little startled. 

"Why did you even get up," he sounded worried. "Can you walk to the bed?" he inquired looking at the wound on my leg. I nodded and he slowly helped me to the bed. I slowly sat down but winced in pain. He quickly kept the tray of breakfast down on the table, walked back with the first aid kit and sat in front of me. "You couldn't have called me. You know after sleeping our body gets a little stiff and needs some time to get back to normal. You still look so sleepy. Did you sit in bed for some time before getting up? Did you warm up a little," he bombarded me with so many questions and looked so worried. 

I smiled a little and softly squeezed his shoulder. "I'm fine, stop worrying so much," I assured him. "Yeah sure you are," he snapped. I was surprised and slowly took my hand back as he quietly changed my bandages. Neither of us had spoken a single word in the past 15 mins. He got up with the first aid box and walked to the drawer to keep it back. 

I got up slowly looking at him. "I'm sorry RJ, I should have been careful," I said softly.

"You should be Emily. If you wanna be out there on the field kicking asses first you need to learn to care for yourself," He said walking back to me. 

"I know, I'm sorry," I said looking at him. 

"We are lucky we have all the care and facility needed at the tip of our fingers, yet we take them for granted. There are so many people out there who don't have it and are begging for it," He sounded a little sad and angry. I frowned looking at him.

RJ softly signed as he sat down on the chair, "You know I came from the gang right?" I nodded and slowly sat down opposite him on the bed.

"I never wanted to join here. I was forced," he said as he looked at me with glassy eyes. "In the beginning, you all were so pissed off about me because of the way I acted but it was 'cause I didn't feel like I ever belonged here. I still don't feel like I don't. I loved the life I had for myself you know," he had a small smile. 

"Me and my friends, though we weren't large in number but we always had each other's back, be it work or fun. They were my brothers. I never saw my parents. My mom passed away while giving birth to me and my dad was never in the picture. I was brought up at an orphanage," he scoffed, "it was more of a torture house. They only took adoption requests from rich families and scammed them into paying more than what was needed. They always let out only a few kids the ones who were good-looking and healthy. The ones who were skinny like us were always kept inside and sold to stores or families who needed servants. We were barely given full meals it was always the leftovers of the healthy kid's plates. Even the places we worked were no less than hell, we were overworked and underpaid. Whatever they paid the orphanage people used to snatch away from us" he looked at me with so much pain in his eyes. 

"I was so sick and tired of living a life like that, so I and a few of my friends decided to run away. I was around the age of 15 when me and my friend ran off from the store that we were working at, the owner was on a call with his wife outside the store and wasn't paying attention to us. He grabbed the opportunity and took all the money that was in the cash register and ran off as fast as we could," he softly chuckled. 

"Ryder has been with me since that day. That escape was the best turning point of my life. After that we started to work for a gang where they taught us how to fight and how to use a gun," he had a soft smile on his face. I smiled softly. He surely had been through some tough times and once in a while, things tend to get to us so I completely understand why he would be feeling like he's caged here. He was caged but the moment the door was broken he flowed off into the open sky now again he's been restricted to an area. Though he isn't caged still restrictions. 

I can never understand what he's feeling 'cause I was born in this environment. I never had to change my surroundings. HQ, missions, and being out on that field has always been my comfort.

"So you see I miss that all, that freedom, my people that's my comfort. Yes, this place has the best of the best but still, sometimes it feels suffocating. I'm constantly worried about my gang, thinking about what they might be doing if they are safe or not. Do they have someone to tend to them or not? Over here we have contacts worldwide. Help is always there if we ask for but not outside," he said looking worried. 

I gave his hand a soft squeeze, "I can understand where you are coming from. I know you are worried for our people. You know what let me have a word with the Chief, let me see what I can do for you yeah?" I said softly smiling. His face instantly lit up.

"You will?" He questioned. 

"I'll try my best," I said with a soft smile. He smiled brightly, thanking me. We talked for a while more as we had our breakfast then I left his room as he had to work on another mission. 

I slowly headed to my room, thoughts running wild. Listening to RJ's situation reminded me of Zayn. Even if Zayn remembers his past, he can't survive here. He isn't made for this. Though we both we born for this his life chose a different path. His comfort is so different from ours, he's out on the media almost 24/7, at concerts, fan M&G, festivals, shoots and tours. I'm sure if he ever stepped on this side of his life he would feel like how RJ is feeling or maybe he'd feel more trapped and lost. 

My train of thought was interrupted when I heard Daniel's voice, "Good Morning." I looked at him and saw him standing by my door. I smiled.

"Morning," I responded. "How are you feeling," He asked me as he approached me. 

"Better," I answered smiling. 

"That's good 'cause we gonna need you," John said as he walked over to us. We both looked at him. He played a few CCTV camera footage from over the city.  "Orion's are on the move," he informed. 

"Do we know where they are heading," I asked as I entered my room quickly. 

"Not yet, we are following them and will know soon," He added. 

I turned to him, " Then what are you waiting for? Go get ready we are leaving. I'll meet you guys in 10," I said as I entered the bathroom for a quick shower.

A/N: Finally it's done. I know it's not very interesting, but that's what I could think off. Hope you'll would like the chapter. Sorry for any errors. Don't forget to vote.

Stay home, Stay safe
Love you xoxo!!

The Forgotten Life !!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora