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Hello Readers!!!
Hope y'll are doing fine out there. The situations all over the world have forced us to stay inside our house. I hope y'll are safe and staying inside.

Are y'll loving the story? Please let me know in the comments what do y'll think about the story so far.
I would like to know about your favourite characters from the story if any :)
I would love to hear if y'll are expecting any twist? Or y'll think it is going to be normal?
I would love to hear from y'll :)

Sorry for this small break. It's just I wanted to let you know that on my instagram i.e @holdingimaginantions I have updated about the character sketch, there y'll will find the perfect description about all the characters who are included in the story so far. I hope y'll would love to check it out. I will add about the other new characters once they are introduced in the story.

Thanks for taking out the the time to read this author's note. Sorry for interrupting the story. I will soon come with the next update. Stay tuned to know more ;)

Love y'll xoxo :)

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