Chapter 17

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Trisha engulfed her in a warm, tight hug. Emily looked a little surprised but then she looked like she was about to cry. I couldn't make out if it was because of the tight hug that probably made her wounds pain or if was it just cause it was Trisha hugging her. All of our mom's hugs have always felt so comforting. We all were watching them. 


I heard the doorbell ring, groaning I woke up and glanced at the clock. It was 6 am. I got down from the bed and walked over to the door to open it. As soon as I opened the door  I was surprised. It was Trisha and Yaseer. I didn't know they were coming. Zayn never mentioned them coming, especially so early in the morning. Trisha quickly greeted me with a hug. I smiled hugging her back. It has always been a pleasure to have our parents over. It didn't matter whose parents they were, they treated all of us as their kids. 

I moved away from the door so they would get in. Trisha and Yaser went and sat on the couch while I went inside and fetched water. Why are they here so early morning?  I walked out with the glasses of water and offered it to them. 

Trisha took one thanking me, "In which room Zayn's staying?" She asked me. I pointed to the door of Zayn's room. "In that one," I said. She and Yaseer frowned a little but kept their water glasses down and got up. 

"Will go talk to him," Yaser said softly patting my shoulder and both headed to Zayn's room. They quickly got into his room closing the door behind themselves. 

I quickly picked up and washed the glasses and headed to my room to take a shower and wake up others. Something was going to happen for sure. Maybe Zayn talked to his parents. Maybe now will know who's telling the truth. 

I took a quick shower then woke up Louis. I quickly told him what had happened. He got in the shower while I went and woke up Harry and Niall explaining the same. We all quickly got ready and headed to the living room. Zayn was already in the living room sitting with his dad while Trisha was cooking in the kitchen. 

The moment we stepped into the living room Zayn looked up at us his eyes moist and slightly red which means he probably cried. 

"It's all true," he said in a soft voice. Louis quickly went and sat beside him and hugged him. Yaser got up and Harry went and sat beside. We all got around him and hugged him tight. I can only imagine what he must be feeling right now. We all stayed in that hug for a while, once Zayn had calmed down he looked at us. "She was telling the truth," he said looking a bit guilty. We all were, Louis looked the most guilty though. He called her so many things last night. I also doubted her a lot. 

Trisha walked out of the kitchen and looked at us with a soft smile. She had slightly red eyes which explains she cried too. "Don't feel bad. I mean we hid it and nowadays it's difficult to trust a stranger after all and something like this is surely not easy to believe but maybe we can just apologise 'cause she surely means no harm, hm?" Trisha said looking at all of us and we all nodded. 

Trisha smiled, " Good. Why don't y'll see if she can make it for breakfast?" 

"But we don't have her number," Harry said.

"Oh we do," Louis said as he quickly got on his feet and walked to one of the drawers and took out a small business card. "She left her card last night on the table. I was going to throw it but thought maybe we might need it someday." He walked to us with the card. 

"So maybe you should give her a call," Yaser said smiling.

Louis looked surprised, "Me? No. She probably hates me by now." He said looking down at the card. 

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