Chapter 27

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I smiled to her, hearing her say my name after 2 days. She slowly got up, I helped her and kept a pillow behind her back to keep her steady.

"Good Morning," Emily said.

I smiled and said, "Morning. How are ya feeling?" I asked knowing she is still recovering.

"I'm good. Well bored to stay here," she said with a shrug.

Before I could say anything someone knocked the door. It was Sarah, she walked in with a smile, "So finally you're up," she said happily. I'm sure the whole HQ would be happy after hearing Emily was awake now.

"Well yeah I'm. Now check me quick and let me go," Emily said to which she received a glare from me which even Sarah noticed and chuckled.

"Zayn, she is up now, you can't make her stay here anymore,"Sarah said and started doing some check up on her.

I sighed and looked at Emily and noticed she was staring at me with as sad smile, this made me confuse.

"What happened?" I asked her softly.

"Because of me all ain't sleeping and y'll are so fucking worried and I'm sure the management would be just putting y'll under more pressure. I'm sorry," Emily said n looked down.

Sarah soon left and I slowly got up n sat on the bed and softly held her hand in mine, caressing it lightly with my thumb.

"It's not your fault," I said with a smile.

"This is our destiny and we can't change it you know right? But you know I'm happy to be a part of this, being with you here right now, feels so better than all those sleepless night." I leaned close and slowly moved her hairs back smiling.

"Anyone who should be sorry is me. Because of me you have been through so much pain for years and for these past days, you have been physically, mentally and emotionally pain," I looked at her sadly. I was really guilty for all the pain she was going through.

"But Zayn-" I cut her short.

"No you listen, I might have not trusted you in the beginning but now I do trust you more than anyone," I said staring into her eyes deeply.

"I feel connected to you. Every minute I was here with you seeing you pale almost dieing, broke me," I could feel my eyes getting filled with tears.

"If today we are alive is because of you. You really mean so much to us now. The very though of losing you kills us," I slowly hugged her and she hugged me back too.

"Don't you dare say sorry. I'm sorry for everything."

I said and felt her hugging me tight. I smiled and hugged back the same way.

Emily was rubbing my back. We didn't say a word for a minute or two, then she slowly pulled away, smiling.

"You are warm," she said like a happy baby, making me adore her cuteness.

Soon RJ, John, Daniel and Sarah walked in the room all with a big smile on their face.

"It's so good to see you back," Daniel said sounding happy.

I slowly got up from the bed earning a questioning look from John and a glare from RJ which I actually ignored.

"Well y'll can't get rid of me so soon," Emily said and chuckled. We all just smiled.

"Well guys her recovery rate is fast and her wounds are almost healed and-," Sarah was cut off by Emily, "And I'm getting back to work," with that she was about to get down when John and RJ held her.

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