Chapter 22

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We all were ready and were in our green rooms. As Emily needed to brief Paul and rest of the bodyguards, he somehow managed to convince the management to allow us to come 2 hours early though they grumbled about it but later on allowed.

We could hear light screams and voices from outside which said it was about to begin soon. I looked at the time and it was 6:30 pm, Emily should have been here by now. I looked at the rest of the boys all were sitting by their ownselves; Harry and Liam were on their phones, Louis was thinking something and Niall was hearing songs I assume. They all had worried faces.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door and came in, it was Lou our hairdresser. She smiled to us, "Boys are y'll nervous?" she asked.

"Yes a little," I said answering for the others.

"Well y'll shouldn't be. C'mon I know y'll well rock the show," she said smiling.

"Now come let's start with your hair," Lou said happily.

I quickly took my phone and texted on the group, Don't be so sad and tensed. We can't let anyone doubt us, Remember?

I looked at them and they were looking at me and all nodded. We soon started with our hair.

Niall was the last one to finish with his hair that's when Paul came in, "Lou can you excuse us please?" he said politely.

Lou nodded and left.

Paul walked in and he was followed by Emily and John. They both looked geared up and John had a bag in his hand.

"The briefing with the body guards have been done. I came here to make sure y'll will be safe the entire concert," Emily said.
We all looked at her surprised.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

John walked forward and took some jackets out from his bag and handed one to each one of us.

"We have to wear them?" Niall asked.

"Yeah. These are bullet proof jackets and there is also a small knife in its pocket. Keep it with you just in case y'll need it," John said.

We looked at them surprised. I thought they were the once who were going to protect us but now they wanted us to wear those bullet proof jackets and carry a fucking knife with us for the whole concert.

"This is not happening," Louis said frustrated and threw the jacket on the couch.

"Weren't y'll supposed to keep us safe? Now y'll want us to wear this jackets and carry knives. Does that mean it's sure that we gonna be shot?" I said frustrated.

"Y'll are taking it in a wrong way," Paul said.

"This is just to keep y'll safe and the knives in case if someone comes across y'll it's for your self defence," Paul said.

"Paul we understand it, but carrying this weapons and armor with us, it's gonna be a burden for us. It's gonna make us difficult to perform there," Liam said.

"I knew that," Emily interrupted, "This armour is light so y'll won't feel the weight at all. The knife is a small kunai knife no one can see it," Emily ended.

"And most importantly, we just don't have to save you but the crew and those innocent lives too. So if we know y'll are wearing bullet proof jackets atleast we won't be much worried about y'll. That will make things a bit easier, atleast we will be able to help others," Emily added.

We nodded though we hate the thought of carrying armour and weapons but went and wore that jackets. When we came out John was no where to be seen nor Paul. It was Emily and another man, tall and handsome man, he was talking to Emily about something. When they heard us coming they turned to us, Emily smiled while that man had an straight face.

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