Chapter 18

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We all were siting at the dining table. Trisha was sitting in between Zayn and Emily, while Yaser sat next to Zayn followed by Harry, Liam, Louis and then me. Trisha cooked a good breakfast of fried eggs, sausages, mushrooms and white bread with coffee and tea. We all ate while talking with one another.

Trisha asked us about our tour and then asked Emily about how she recognised Zayn and how did they finally meet, to be honest Emily just gave an overall scenario without being much specific like she was to us.

Suddenly Emily received a call. She excused herself and went to attend the call. We all continued eating and talking.

Emily came back after few minutes and said, "Duty calling I need to leave. Sorry."

Trisha smiled to her. "No problem honey," she said.

"I hope y'll are staying for their concert tonight maybe we can meet," Emily added to which Yaser responded, "No, actually after Zayn called us we left all the work at hand and came here. We are returning today itself, we have a flight in 2 hours actually."

"But dad can't y'll stay for the concert?" Zayn pleaded.

"We wish we could," Trisha said while caressing his cheeks.

"It would have been fun to have y'll," I added feeling a bit bad about them leaving. They always have been so supportive just like our parents. Trisha treats us like her own kids. When she is around us we never miss our parents. Zayn is so lucky to have such parents.

"We too Niall," Yaser said with a sad smile, "But we really need to leave, Sorry."

"It's fine. Maybe we can have y'll next time to one of our concerts, there are many to come yet, isn't it?" Liam said looking at us with a smile.

We all together said, "Yes offcourse," and laughed.

"Okay guys I may leave. Bye Trisha and Yaser it was so nice meeting you both," Emily said with a smile.

"Same here love, and do let me know if you need me anytime. Just give me a call, and I will be there for you," Trisha said while smiling.

Emily smiled back. She said her goodbye's to us and was about to leave when Harry called her out, "Emily."

Emily turned to Harry, "Hope you are coming for the concert,"

Emily smiled and said," Yes I will."
Harry smiled back and Emily left.

We all quickly finished our breakfast and said our goodbyes to Trisha and Yaser and quickly went and got ready for our practice. Soon we all headed to our car and left for the arena.



Emily said she was going to meet Ciara regarding her mission. But I knew she lied, Ciara didn't call the HQ to ask the permission to allow Emily to help her with her mission.

As soon as Emily headed out of the HQ, I asked two of my spies to follow her. They informed me that she had went to Four Seasons Hotel. It didn't take me even a second to realise that she went to meet the boys.

I was upset with her. Since the day she has been seeing those boys, she has been ending up in trouble. She has always returned back to the HQ, injured. And now when she was not well instead of resting she went to meet them.

According to our undercover agents, Emily has been a target of Black Chamber gang for a long time now, they have been keeping a close watch on her and now as Zayn is their another target and since Emily is related to Zayn it's easy for them to watch both of them at the same time. Though in terms of power as in weapons, we are more powerful, but those B.C. members can always form an alliance with our enemies to get a hold on us. I just fear that something might happen to Emily because she has always been their target and now they are more close to her.


I was sitting in my office waiting for Emily to return. I had asked John to call her and ask her to come back soon. I was fighting with my own self whether to tell her about the thing I discovered or not.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door. I ordered that person to enter in. A smile appeared on my face when I saw who that person was, atleast she came back without any injures. It was Emily, I asked her to sit down.

"Why did you call me?" She questioned. I sometimes wondered who is the real Head of the HQ. Instead of me asking her questions she is doing so.

"Why did you lied to us?" I asked

"I didn't," she said, without a slight change in her facial expressions as if she had already saw this coming.

"Emily don't lie okay. I know you went to meet the boys. Why did you go there?" I asked.

"RJ, Zayn's parents were here and they wanted to see me so I had to go," Emily answered.

"Was meeting them important than resting?" I asked. I didn't like that she thought meeting them was important than taking care of her own self.

"RJ, I didn't knew they were here. I just knew Zayn wanted to see me and it was something urgent so I went, and talking about myself look at me, I'm all good. Work keeps me healthy more than rest. And for me work comes first, than health," She answered with a smile.

I knew I couldn't win against her so I just gave up, "Fine but you need to rest now for sometime, than I have something to tell you."

"What's it RJ?" She asked eyeing my desk curiously to find what I wanted to tell.

I chuckled, "It's not here on the table it's here," I said tapping my forehead.

She sighed. "Just tell me what's it?" She said in a tired tone.

"Not until you rest for an hour or two," I said then glanced at the clock, "It's 9:30. Rest until 11 then I will tell you what's it," I said with a smile.

She huffed. "No choice, you won't be telling it anyways I may go and rest then," she said and got up from the chair almost irritated.

"Bye take care and do rest," I said.

"Yeah sure," she said rolling her eyes and walked out of the office.

I chuckled, it's always been fun to irritate her.

I resumed my work and after an hour went to check on Emily. I quietly sneaked into her room and saw that she was sleeping. I smiled and returned back to my office.

A/N: Another chapter done. I hope y'll are enjoying the story so far. Let me know in the comments section what do you think about the story.
Sorry for any errors.
Take care and be safe.
Love y'll xoxo

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