Chapter 16

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Emily's POV :

 I slowly opened my eyes trying to adjust to the light. Everything looked so blurred and this immense headache. I softly tried to press my forehead but winced in pain. 

"Hey," I heard a voice. I looked in the direction of the voice my vision slowly clearing. It was RJ. "Are you okay?" he asked staring at me worriedly. He helped me sit up slowly that's when I noticed that I was in the infirmary of the HQ. I looked at the widow next to my bed and it was just getting bright which means it was probably around sunrise now. I looked back at RJ.

"Yeah, I'm fine but what happened?" I questioned my memory still a little blur from last night. 

"As much as I know you fainted after you left the hotel," He said as he held a glass of water to my lips. I slowly gulped it down, looked at him and nodded. 

"I'll get Sarah," He said and was about to leave. 

"She will wake up in a while don't bother her," I quickly responded. Sarah and Alex were the senior doctors at the HQ. Alex was on leave as he recently welcomed a baby girl and wanted to stay with his wife to take care of them. Sarah was the only one in charge now and it was getting a little overwhelming for her. I didn't want her to be up on her feet from 6 am itself. 

RJ nodded and sat down slowly. "Do you want anything?" He asked me. As I was about to answer the door slowly opened and John walked in. He had wet hair probably from the shower he had taken. He walked in worried but looked a little relieved seeing me. I smiled at him. 

"Hey," he said softly as he sat on the bed beside me. "How are you feeling now?" He asked while he quickly scanned his eyes over my wounds and then looked back at me. 

"Better just a little headache and pain," I answered. He nodded and smiled a little. "Daniel is getting breakfast for you then you have to take medicines," he said. I looked at him with a small pout. 

"No, I'm not listening to you this time. You need to recover so you need to eat and take your medicines too," He said. I sighed softly but nodded. I knew he wouldn't listen and I didn't want to argue with him. 

"I should get back to work now," RJ said as he got up from the chair and looked at me, "You take care okay," He said.  

I nodded, "Maybe you should rest a little too. I'm sure the chair wasn't too comfortable," I gave an apologetic smile. He smiled and nodded and then headed out. 

John looked at the watch on his wrist and it was 6:30 am. "I'll go check on Daniel, I don't know why is he taking so long," He said looking at the door. I smiled and nodded.

He looked at me again, "Don't disappear okay," He said as he got up.

I smiled, "No promises there," I responded to which he shook his head and walked out. I smiled watching him then leaned back slowly and closed my eyes. 

After a few minutes, I heard my phone vibrate so looked over at the table beside me. I frowned a little looking at the number and quickly answered, "What happened Louis? Is everything okay?" I asked as I felt my heart beat loudly in my ears fearing something had happened. 

"Oh, Good morning to you. How did you know it was me," He sounded normal which answered my question that everything was okay. 

I gave a breath out softly and leaned back again. "Good morning. I know your number," I shrugged though he couldn't see it. I knew everyone's phone number, it's just a memory thing. I tend to remember things I see once or twice pretty easily and I mean it is essential if you are working undercover you know!

"Hmm okay. I called you to invite you for breakfast today by 7:30 or 8 you think you can make it?" he asked me. I glanced at the time on my phone. 

"Alright, I can but are you sure?" I asked 'cause after last night I wasn't sure if they would want me around. 

The Forgotten Life !!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora