Chapter 11

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I couldn't sleep. I woke up glancing at the clock it was 2 pm. I softly sighed, sitting up in bed I grabbed a packet of cigarettes and took one smoking it while I leaned back against the headboard. Every time I tried to sleep I could hear gunshots and the same events running like a movie in front of my eyes. Everything was so peaceful until morning. I wish I hadn't decided the take a stroll none of this would have ever happened.  

I smiled remembering the time I was young I along with my siblings used to have so much fun. I remember Mom cooking us so many amazing dishes every day. Our small picnics and trips. I was so much enjoyment. I remember our dad telling us how proud he was of seeing us seeing us grow so beautifully.  it was all their upbringing, their love and their teaching that has made me the man I am today and I'm so proud to see them. Seeing them smiling and happy always lifts up my spirits. 

But then today along with that happiness and joy, there's sadness and fear that all of that might have been a lie. All my life was a lie. I don't know how can I let some stranger's words affect me so much. I am usually a good person but the more I think of what Emily said the more it hurts, It makes me hate myself for having to live a life of lies, and it makes me angry about my biological parents. I have so many questions for them, why would they give me up for adoption? Why weren't they the ones to come get me? Where are they now? Don't they love me aren't they worried about me?

All these thoughts were making me go crazy. I sat up straight in bed put out the remaining cig and to up. I walked to the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I looked at the mirror in front of me, "She is lying" I said while trying to convince myself, "She's a freaking agent you idiot, they are trained to make fake things look real, how can you trust her over your mother? Get yourself together Zayn, don't be crazy," I was talking to my reflection. I stared at myself, I had got bags under my eyes and I was looking like shit. 

The more I stared the more her words got drilled into my mind. It made me feel that maybe she was telling the truth. I do get this feeling sometimes that there's a piece of my life puzzle missing always. I don't know what it is, I can never pin it down but since the accident I had when I was a child, I always feel like I'm missing out on something.

I felt like I needed answers or else my brain would be fried up. I picked up my phone and dialled that one number which I always reach out to for advice or comfort when I am in a tough situation, except today I was calling her to get some answers, Mom. With every ring, I could feel my adrenaline pumping through my body, my heart running like a cheetah. It felt as if the blood cells would burst out of my body any minute now. 

Finally, after a couple of rings, she answered, "Baby." Her voice was filled with so much excitement and love. How was I supposed to question her about anything? How was I supposed to give importance to a stranger's words more than the women who loved for me, cared for me and made me who I am today? I couldn't do this to her, it would shatter her, I can't see her break, not 'cause of me. She doesn't deserve it. 

I could hear her call out my name "Zayn! Zayn! Are you there, sweetie? Answer me." She sounded so worried.

I smiled a little, "Yes mum, Sorry I guess there's bad reception, let me go to the balcony," I said as I walked into the balcony and took a deep breath, "Is it better now?"

She said from over the line, "Yes yes, Are you okay? How's everything there?" I assured her that I was fine and so was everybody. We went on to talk for an hour about me, the family, and then boys our tours. It made me feel so much better and at peace talking to her. After hanging up, I sat on the balcony on the chair watching around. I wanted to shut off my brain from all the thoughts. 


I slowly woke up glancing at the clock it was 1:30 pm. I looked over to my side and saw Louis was in a deep sleep. I slowly got up from bed and walked in for a shower. 

While standing under the shower I couldn't help but think about all that happened in the morning. I feel so bad for Zayn he just touched the gates of death. He wasn't even out of that trauma and another one hit him. Honestly, I don't believe what Emily said, we barely know that girl. He seemed sceptical to me. Firstly the way she approached Zayn at the Meet & Greet, then her being at the place where the gang war took place, her coming to Newyork and now this. How can she be always there wherever Zayn is? 

Her story about Zayn's biological parents and her being Zayn's childhood friend, all sounds so made up. I don't understand what's her motive behind all this, whatever it is we have to keep Zayn away from her. Even Louis agrees with me on this and by the looks of Harry and Niall during that story time I'm pretty sure they agree too. 

I turned off the shower and stepped out drying myself. I quickly changed and quietly slipped out of the room as Louis was still sleeping. I decided to check on Zayn knowing he wouldn't be at rest. While walking to his room I quickly scanned the suite and realised no one was awake. 

As I was about to knock on Zayn's door I heard some noises from inside, I assumed he was on call with someone so I decided not to bother him and walked to the kitchen to prepare some snacks and coffee for all. I was sure everyone would be hungry once they woke up. 

While I was finishing the coffee, Harry walked in and we exchanged greetings. He glanced at Zayn's door while drinking water, "Is he awake? Did you talk to him?" he inquired looking at me.

I looked at Zayn's room then at Harry, "He's awake I was going to talk to him but he was on a call with someone, probably his Mom so I didn't bother." I responded. Harry nodded then looked at me. "What do you think of what Emily said yesterday?" I looked up at him. I told him what I felt to which he agreed but he still felt that Emily was saying a little bit of truth. 

I served for all and Harry went to call Niall and Louis while I headed to Zayn's room. I softly knocked on his door but there was no response so I knocked again a little harder and waited. I decided to walk in since he wasn't answering the door. I slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door and peeped in. I saw him sitting on the balcony smoking. 

I slowly walked to him, he didn't seem to notice me. I slowly placed my hand on his shoulder, "Zayn?" I called out to him softly. He looked at me with glassy eyes. 

"Oh Liam," he quickly wiped the tears and smiled softly. "Yeah tell me, what happened?" I softly rubbed his back.

"You don't have to hide your tears from me. I can only imagine what you might be feeling. You will feel better if you let it out and talk to us. We all are here for you no matter what, yeh?" I stared at him trying to comfort him. He leaned into my arms softly sobbing. 

"It's so hard and difficult," he said softly hugging me tight. I hugged back as tight as I could comforting him. He stayed like that for a few minutes until Zayn calmed down fully. He slowly got back from the hug and looked at me. 

"Thank you so much. I guess I needed that hug," He said wiping his tears. 

"You surely did. I'm glad you could let it out," I said smiling. "But we are not done here, there are still # more people to hug, then some coffee and snack and finally shopping," I added.

"Yes, Liam is right," Louis said walking in and hugged Zayn tight. Harry and Niall followed in. "You need some fresh air and entertainment come on," Harry added.

"It's not like we gonna stay here forever. Let's go out and see how Newyork city feels. It will take your mind off thoughts," Niall said. I looked at Zayn who was now smiling with glassy eyes.

"I don't know what would I do without you all," He said smiling. 

I stood up standing, "Well you would never have to know 'cause we are never leaving," I said and hugged me. Louis, Harry and Niall joined in too. I felt better seeing Zayn smiling. I was happy he was able to let it out.

Niall was the first one to break the hug. "Alright, let's go, Paul is waiting downstairs," he said walking to the door and we all followed him out.

A/N: Sorry, I know this chapter is not that interesting but I couldn't think much. Let me know what you'll think about it. Sorry for any errors.
Stay safe, stay healthy.
Love you xoxo.

The Forgotten Life !!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon