Chapter 4

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A/N: I have updated my description of the story with one of my friends help. All credits to 'My Upcoming Writer'. Hope you'll won't mind taking a look and if not, then you can just continue with the chapter.

Happy Reading!!

Zayn's POV:

All of them seemed happy to be in New York, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something wrong or unexpected was going to happen. We sat together in the car, with the boys enjoying themselves and admiring the beauty of the city. I sat next to the window, watching the people bustling around outside.

As we were driving, a man on a bike suddenly passed beside our car, cutting through the wind. I noticed that he had yellow hair. He was riding at full speed and it startled me for a moment. Another bike soon followed him. We rolled down the windows to see what was happening.It appeared that the second bike was chasing the first one. We eventually got stuck in traffic, so out of curiosity, my friends and I got out of the car wearing hoods and glasses to avoid being recognized. We watched the chase between the two bikes, as did a few other people.

A motorcyclist was pursuing a man with distinctive yellow hair. The motorcyclist accelerated and overtook the yellow-haired man, blocking his way. The man with yellow hair wasn't expecting this sudden manoeuvre and had to brake abruptly to avoid a collision.The motorcyclist quickly got off his bike and approached the yellow-haired man on foot.

As the two men faced each other, a crowd gathered, intrigued by the scene unfolding before them.The yellow-haired man dismounted his bike and grabbed a bag that was hanging from the handlebars. He appeared to be trying to run away, but the motorcyclist was faster and landed a powerful punch on his face. The impact sent the yellow-haired man stumbling backwards, his nose bleeding profusely.The crowd cheered as the yellow-haired man fell to his knees, unable to defend himself. The motorcyclist then retrieved the bag from him and handed it to a woman who was standing nearby. She smiled and thanked him for his assistance. 

It became apparent to everyone that the yellow-haired man was a robber, and the motorcyclist had bravely stopped him. Soon after, the police arrived and took the yellow-haired man into custody. Before leaving, the police officers shook hands with the motorcyclist, thanking him for his heroic efforts.

After everyone had gone back to work and the boys had climbed into the car, I found myself overcome with curiosity. I had to know who that motorcyclist was. Suddenly, they removed their helmet, and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a girl, but not just any girl. It was the same girl with oceanic blue eyes and dark brown hair.  immediately recognized her as the same girl I met at the meet and greet. I was positive she was the same girl who was there at last night's gang war. It was none other than EM.

 It was none other than EM

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