Chapter 29

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RJ decided to stop the training but Emily objected, "No. We are going to continue,"

"But you are hurt," RJ said worriedly.

Emily facepalmed, "It's just a scratch."

RJ sighed, "Will you ever listen?"

Emily looked at him, "Do I look like I will?"

We all bust out laughing.

Emily smiled and walked to us. "So who's coming first?" She asked looking at all of us.

I excitedly stepped forward and at the same time, Liam did too.

Emily chuckled, "Okay then let's go," she walked to the center and handed us both sticks.

We both took them and stood there clueless. Emily stood in front of us her stick pointing at us and her left leg forward with her right leg bending, her body weight was on her right leg.

"So this is going to be your position get that?" She said.

I and Liam nodded and stood in the position she asked us too. She nodded and looked at RJ and John and nodded to them.

I looked at them and they were walking towards us with Harry, Louis, and Niall. I looked at Liam and then back at them. RJ stood to Emily's right while John to her left and then Daniel.

"Okay so Liam and Zayn and Harry and Louis and Niall with Daniel face each other now," Emily said and Daniel walked to Niall and now we all were facing each other.

"Okay so now spread out and take the positions," Emily commanded and I and Liam took the positions while John helped Harry and Louis and Daniel helped Niall. Once we all were in our positions, we heard Emily.

"Perfect. Now Zayn, Harry, and Daniel, y'll are Side A; while Liam, Louis and Niall will be the side B." We nodded.

Emily turned to John who was already facing her and then said, "Now I'm side A and John is side B. So when I say side A attack, you all three will take your stick back and then attack at the B side with force, but make sure you don't hit them we don't want anyone injured okay?" We all nodded.

I stood in my position and looked at Liam and then heard Emily, "Side A, Attack."

I attacked with force but stopped close to Liam's stomach and I could see he gulped, I smiled a little but heard Louis scream, "Fuckk."

We all turned to him and Emily ran to him, Louis was on the ground holding his stomach and Harry looked worried and sorry. It didn't take a minute for me to realize what had happened.

"Louis breathe slowly," Emily said and lifted his shirt up and there was a bluish bruise on the side of his stomach.

"Harry I said not to hurt anyone," Emily said still looking at the bruise.

"I-I'm sorry," Harry said with his head down.

"It's fine. John take him to Sarah. He needs some medicines and he will be fine," Emily said and John lifted Louis like a baby and headed out. We all were worried about him now.

"He will be fine. The force wasn't much," Emily said with a smile.

"So now Zayn, you did great by the way. Your stop was to the point," Emily said smiling.

I smiled back and thanked her.

"Okay so now since Harry is alone Liam takes Louis place so now it's Harry- Liam and Niall-Daniel, and Zayn you come here," Emily said.

I walked to her and took John's position and visibly gulped.

Emily smiled, "You won't be hurt don't worry," she said.

I nodded and took my position. We all then continue to train for 2 hours non-stop. We all sat down tired and breathing heavily. I could see Emily was tired too but she could still fight anyone by the look on her face.

"Fine so we will stop here. Y'll get fresh and rest for some time and then come for lunch," She smiled to us and was about to leave.

RJ had already left when he had got a call. I quickly got up and stopped Emily.

"Umm Emily I wanted to talk to you," I said

"Okay, what's it?" She asked.

"Umm, I think we both should get fresh and then we can talk hm?" I asked unsure if she would like it.

Emily thought for a moment then nodded and smiled, "Fine. In 15 minutes in my room. Is it okay?" I smiled and nodded.

"Completely," I said, she smiled and walked out. I turned to the boys who were still tired.

"I will see y'll later," I said and ran to my room to get fresh.


I came out of the bathroom wiping my face and had already changed to a loose white shirt and shorts. I was about to do my bandages when I heard a knock on the door.

I went and opened the door and saw Zayn standing there with a smile. "Hey come in," I smiled and moved aside so he could get in.

"Thanks," he smiled and walked in.

I closed the door behind him and quickly walked to the bed and picked the first aid kit so he could sit.

"Sit," I said.

He nodded and sat down, "Where you dressing the wounds?" He asked.

"Yeah," I smiled and sat opposite him.

"Ohh then where is Sarah?" He asked looking around.

I asked him confused, "why will she be here?"

"To dress your wounds."

"Ohh, No I do it on my own," I answered smiling. He just nodded.

"So what's that you want to talk about?" I asked taking off my leg bandage slowly.

He looked at the wound and then at me. "Ohh yeah. Actually I wondered if you could tell me something about my parents and um..about my childhood," He said and chuckled nervously.

I smiled looking at him.

"Fine. So Uncle and Aunty were one of the best spies of the Agency and my parent's best friends. Uncle and Dad grew up together and went to the same school, while aunty and mom were best friends," I smiled remembering the day dad told me this story.

"Seems dad and uncle knew each other very well," Zayn said smiling.

"Yep. Very well, dad said that they all were put up in a group together for the summer camp. That's when they met each other and of course their future life partners," I said and chuckled.

"It was fun when dad told me the story, mom was blushing all the time," a tear rolled down my cheeks remembering how happy those days were. Zayn moved closed and slowly wiped it off.

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