chapter 36.

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Before you read this chapter go back and read the note I left at the end of the previous if you skipped it. Please do!


Lexy's P.O.V

I can't really explain why am I thinking about her in this way. I can't focus my mind anywhere else. The flesh on her neck calls out to me and it makes me worried. There isn't a doubt in my mind, I am definitely and deeply attracted to her.

I think back to how it started. I noticed her attractive legs through her fishnets. I judged that half her ass was showing and then I caught myself always trying to look at it. And then I imagined myself touching her legs. Every time I saw her, she was at the coffee shop so I started going regularly to admire her. I liked that she was confident with her body and the thoughts that entered my mind when I saw her were thoughts I never had before. I envisioned my hands in her messy hair, wrapped around it, tugging her hair. I imagined kissing at her neck and feel her breath against my own neck. Each time I thought of her my body grew cold with goosebumps.


"Surely you're not always here for the coffee love" she said.

"Uhmm what do you mean..." I blush subtly. I feel the blood in my cheeks, I probably look like a tomato.

"Well the coffee here sucks let's be honest. I'll be honest first. I like looking at you so I down this shit coffee" she winks and I feel my body jerk in my seat. She's so forward, reminds me of my brother.

"Thank you I guess" I just want to reach out and touch her honey-golden skin.

"My names Rosalyn, what can I call you" she pulls out a chair next to me. Like I said she's as forward as my brother.

"I'm lexy" I can't stop blushing.

"Let me buy you this tar they pass of as coffee" she does a little hair flip and my brain goes wild at the exposed skin on her neck. Why am I so sexually attracted to her?

"Uhhh ... okay but only if I can buy you the next coffee next time" I have no idea where that motivation came from, but i know that I feel comfortable around her. I've been studied her for so long I feel like I know who she is.

"You got it babe" she winks and slides her tongue over her bottom lip.

"Straight to the babe" I ask. I don't know where this is going to go but I'm intrigued.

"You're right, I'll take it slow" she gives me a small smile and really cute head tilt. Her eyes fixated on mine. Up until now I didn't think anyone could have black eyes. It's called aniridia and I never thought I'd bump into someone with it, but I'm glad I did. They make her more beautiful.

"Maybe I don't want to" I have no idea what I'm saying but I know that I want to enjoy this, this is more fun than I've had since forever.

"Well I'll move at your pace sweety" she tilts her head to the opposite side. She is the essence of attractive.

"I like that" there's the plus side to being attracted to women, they tend to have more respect for you than men would. I know any other guy would be trying to fuck me right now. "I'm not as confident as you" I admit it.

"Why aren't you, do you know how hot you are. You're so attractive I might go crazy" I can't tell if she's joking or if she's serious.

"You couldn't mean that" I'm not looking for attention or anything, I just don't believe her.

"Yeah I mean it, you have natural beauty something that will always draws me in" she stares at me from under her fringe.


"You really want me to be your date to your brother's wedding, even though you've only known me for a week" Rosalyn seems stressed that I asked her.

"Yes of course I do. I don't want to be alone" I shuffle my weight from foot to foot. She makes me nervous.

"I don't think I could" I'm getting a little angry because when I was asked to go to her house I went and she won't do this for me.

"Listen Rosalyn I'm not forcing you to come, if you don't want to it's perfectly okay with me".

"Okay I'll come, it would be good for me to get over my hatred for weddings" she agrees because of my sulking.

"Why do you hate weddings baby" I admit the baby slipped out.

She blushes at my words. "I told you I was raped. Well it happened at my sisters wedding and ever since it's left a scene of bitterness with me. If I even think of a wedding I picture his hands forcing themselves up my legs. His dirty hands trailing his mud all over my helpless body. I kicked and screamed but no one heard me. No one even believed me after it happened. I can still feel his dirty fingers around my neck. I can still feel the way his breath made me want to vomit. I still think about the vile things he said to me. He told me that this was all I would ever be good for. He told me that I would grow up to be a slut just like my mother. I was young and believed him. I thought all I was good for was opening my legs. I believed that I was meant to be a slut and what happened to me was my own fault. I pleaded with anyone who would listen to me. I begged for justice but they all looked at me as if I was dirty as if I had asked to be raped" by the end of her revelation she's in tears and all I can do is cry with her.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you baby. I promise now I'll protect you. I promise you that it's fine if you don't want to come with me on the day. I'll skip, we can go to the movies" I move through the words, but I'm cut short when her lips crash into mine.

"I'm okay kitten" I'll be fine if I'm with you.

The days passed by so quickly and as they drew nearer to the wedding day i felt more pressure. I didn't want to burden her with this.

I remember standing next to Amara but half of my attention was focused on Rosalyn. I hoped no one picked up on that division of my thoughts.

Then what would be our song played and we danced and all was right for us again. The name of our song is Turning Page by Sydney Rose. The song said to each other what we were to afraid to say. Rosalyn had slowly became my life line and a intricate part of me.

Just as how I'd become hers. I didn't care that we were moving to fast. All I cared about was being with her. Being with Rosalyn, even if people stared, it didn't bother me. I loved her and what other people thought didn't bother me.

What bothered me was that this gorgeous girl who held me tight through every slow dance song was actually mine. I never thought I deserved that feeling until I was with her. She danced with me into the night, just holding me close. Just being with me.

"I know it's to soon to say this but I think I was meant for you" I said to her as we held each other under the stars. We snuck out onto the roof and cuddled under the stars. My family had already known what was going on between us and I put no effort into hiding it. They were accepting, so much so that Harry even said he would help sneak her back into her house the next day. That night, as I layed in her arms I knew I too could have that happiness Tyler has with Amara. There was hope for the biggest wreck of all, ME.


Writing this story between lexy and Rosalyn actually made me and my damged heart feel lonely as fuck. But anyway I hope you guys enjoyed it. I might write a story about them if this chapter gets a lot of acknowledgement. When I create stories I let them take a mind of thier own and that's what happened here and now I want to know more about these two so maybe I will write their own book just so I know what happens.

Anyway please don't forget to vote on every chapter and leave me plenty of comments.

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