chapter 34.

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1 year later....


"You look so beautiful" my mother says through tear filled eyes.

"Mom you're going to make me cry and then my make up will get ruined" I try to fight my own tears as I stare at my reflection covered in a ball of pure elegance and lace.

"You're already crying" Brooke calls me out.

"You're the maid of honor. You're supposed to be on my side not call me out" I tell Brooke, with tears swelling in my eyes.

"I can't believe this is all happening so fast" Lexy says. She's grown on all of us like she's our own sister. "Just 2 months ago you were spotting a new diamond and now you're getting married" she's probably been the most happiest from all the women standing for me.

"I know..." I hug her so tight and she starts crying even more.

"I'm so glad his met you, I never thought he would get to this stage with his luck in girls" she kisses my cheek.

My mom rushes everyone and hands me the flowers. I wanted the deepest redest roses I could get for my bouquet, despite everyone telling me not to, I did it anyway.


"Here you are" Harry taps my shoulder. His suit a deep black against my grey double beaded blazer. I feel so silly in this thing. My shoes are still boots though, they'd have to murder me to get me out these shoes.

"We ready?" I ask him and he shakes his head to say no. "Peyton is still putting on her suit and Everly just ran out".

Yeah so what if the two other best men are my bestfriends?

"Aghhh you get Everly I'll hurry Peyton the fuck up" I roll my eyes.

I knock on the door gently and hear her whispers with Emiliano, I roll my eyes again. I admit his grown on me like fucking moss on a tree, or dead men fingers -the fungus-.

"Peyton you almost done?" I shout over thier giggles and then walk in. She's not naked, I have no idea why I assumed she would be.

"Let's go!" eMilIANo says. Holding her hand and walked past me, before stopping to congratulate me. I force a smile and walk out behind them. Firstly I have no idea why she chose a church of all places, neither of us should be here. We're way to BDSM type to be in a church.

On my way to the front I find Everly and Lucus. She loops her hand through my own and walks with me to the front.

It's not a big event to be honest. Her aunt and a few cousins. My mom and Nicholas as well as his freinds. Mainly the most important relevant people. People like Carol minus Estelle.

I notice Lynnea, her baby, and her father. DR. Blaire stands up to walks over to me. He congratulates me and says that his daughter wishes to say the same.

I nod towards her and laugh when she tries to blow the wild strands of hair from her face.

I walk slowly over to her and she doesn't notice me. I bring my hand to move the messy untamed hair.

"Hey stranger" she seems lost for words, but she looks great so I assume she's actually happy now.

"Hey you!" She gulps.

I'm rushed to the front again and told to stand still. I assume it's starting. I'm not even a slightest bit nervous. I know that this is what I want. To spend the rest of my life with Amara. AMARA SLONE sounds better than AMARA RENNY I laugh mentally.

Fuck here she comes...

I'm still shocked that she asked my mom to walk on the other side of her. Both of our moms now, I guess.

She looks absolutely gorgeous in her dress. The white fits her skin like a sock and the lace gives her a bit of radiance. I swear no bride can come close to this one who is mine.

Before I know it, a tear escapes my eye. I promised I wouldn't cry and now I'm freaking out. There's those Fucking nerves. My heart is pounding, my feet is sweating. This collar is ride up my neck and is it just me or is God trying to burn me here.

Oh no....

She steps up next to me and my eyes meet hers and I'm lost for words.

"You uhmm, you're beautiful, you're always beautiful, but like a little more today " this is going to be a long ceremony.

I can't believe I'm about to get married! What the hell?

The priest starts talking...

We're not religious but this is for our mothers to be honest.



"How does it feel to be a married woman" my sister asks me.

"I'm happy Brooke" my heart is filled with this eminence joy and my smile hasn't faded for the past few weeks. I really want to make him as happy as he does me.

"I'm so happy for you two" Brooke starts crying and then I follow suit, i look up at Tyler and his in tears also.

"I love you" he mouths to me.

I shake my head to acknowledge him. Brooke grabs my body and I hug her tightly. I notice Belle hugging him. My family loves him more than they love me.

"So what's the actual plan for the honey moon".

"I don't have a clue yet, his got it planned out and he refuses to let me know anything, gosh he is so dramatic". I whine to my sister.

"Well atleast his taking the initiative and effort to surprise you" she has a point, his never asking me where do I want to eat, or what do I want to watch or do. He just knows, he always just knows...

"We have a bit of a partner psychic connection" I smile.

"You two move in sync with one and other and that's the beauty of Tyler and Amara" my sister makes me cry even more.

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