chapter 27

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After driving with Amara for what seemed like forever, we finally drive in the driveway. Amara jumped off and kissed me bye. That was the last I saw of her since.

"You boys don't think I'm to old for this?" Nicholas asks while fixing his tie.

"You look fine" I reassure him as I struggle with my own tie. I'm in a grey suit that lexy picked out. She thought it would be fun for Amara and I to dress up without knowing what the other looks like.

"Thanks for standing for me Tyler" Nicholas shakes my hand. I push it away and hug him. "Thanks for asking me" lexy is right, I have grown, I have matured. Maybe a part of that has to do with Amara.

"Alright now dad dont make me cry and ruin my make up" it is so refreshing to see Harry out of that depression state he was in. Depression doesn't suit him.

"Yes yes" Nicholas goes to the other 2 guys standing for him, of course Harry is his best man.

My phone vibrates and I guess that's my girlfriend.

"You have to get here right now" she breathes into the phone and then cuts the call. She could've have just walked here and talked to me. I mean we are all in the same place getting ready.

I knock on the door and it opens slowly. I take Amara's dress in and I'm stunned. She's absolutely gorgeous. She looks so sexy in this bridesmaids dress.

"Babe you look amazing" she closes my open jaw.

"And so do you" I kiss her cheek.

"Ewww get a room you two" lexy rolls her eyes at us. She's been feeling so lonely lately. I feel bad for her, if anyone deserves someone it's her but she's only in what grade 12, she's got time. But I still feel bad for her. Although I'm the one who thinks she's lonely.

"Sorry" Amara and I both blush. "You called?" I ask the 3 woman and one of my aunts, I was never close to my family so I don't care about who she is. I recognize cousin Amelie though and she's grown up so much. She's just a year older than I am but we were so close when we were younger.

"Hey Amelie" I hug her and she scoffs, she probably thought I forgot her, i mean we haven't been chatty over the past 11 years since i last saw her.

"I'm sorry i didn't make it to your birthday 2 months ago" she gives me an awkward side hug.

"Yes I called you, because mom has something to ask you" Amara says. I love that she calls my mother mom.

"Well I was just wondering if you would walk me down the aisle" at which point I started coughing drastically. Suddenly my throat got dry. "You want me to what" my mother looks sad. She probably thinks I won't do it, but we've healed. We're closer now.

"I mean I'd love to" I hug her and she starts crying causing the girls to all go insane and start scurrying around for more make up.

"I wasn't sure you would" Amara admits.

"That explains why she asked me today, so I wouldn't be able to say no, and cause you would be here to bully me in to it" I laugh.

"I'd never force you to do anything" she starts dragging me out the room.

"Let's hope those 4 lessons in couples dancing helped you" I nudge her gently.

"Oh fuck off" she laughs at her own expense, joining me.

"Amelie, you better save me a dance out there, lord knows my girl here can't dance to save her life" all the girls laugh and force me to leave. I just wanted to stay with Amara. We've been living together for 2 months now and I still can't be 5 feet away from her.

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