chapter 35.

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"Hey beautiful" I kiss her on the forehead. Last night was probably the best sex I've ever had, it was all about the passion, all about the love making, the burning fire that is us. Her fingers were wild on my skin and my hands wilder as they roamed her body, every touch of hers consumed my body. Hungrily I reach for her.

"My husband" is the first thing she says to me. Her bare breasts pressed against my abdomen. She bites at my skin. Neither of us slept, both waiting for the other to recharge.


"The sand feels so warm against my toes" she whispers and wiggles her toes.

She's having a great time and I didn't want her to be bored on this honeymoon, to be completely honest what do you even do on a honeymoon is the real question. I had this whole extreme scheduled planned out and put in place but I don't know if it's even worth it or should we just wing it ? I guess we should really just wing it.

"Can we try these please" she gestures to some local food and it looks appetising as opposed to the other stuff that passes for food here, but hey I'm not judging, we all have our own delicacies.

"Let's go".

We get to the door of the restaurant. "Can I have a table for my wife and I please" I still feel so fucking weird calling this beautiful woman my wife. She is indeed out of my league.

"Can you believe just a year ago we both wanted different things from our lives. I was comfortable with a mediocre mindset and you wanted to work for mr. Waters because of his connections to Dr.Blaire, you felt entitled to him. Now look at us. All we want now is each other" she sips the frosted beverage and I dissect her words.

She has a good point in there. "All I want now baby is to make you happy. I want us to be happy. We work through our shit, you and I. Despite all our problems despite whatever life throws at us, I will endure every second of it to be with you. You were meant for me. You are the only one for me. YOU ARE ME without you I'm not incomplete, I'm empty, you're the every emotion behind all that is me. I love you Amara and a part of me believes this destiny shit, I believe I was meant to find you. I was meant to be with you. I can't promise you that our future is going to be perfect because in reality that doesn't happen, but what I can promise you, is that i will do anything in my power to always be your protector, your provider, your joy, your comfort, your happiness and most importantly your Love" at some point she started crying. She's been so emotional these past few weeks. Well so have I so I completely understand.

"I love you so much do you understand that?" She grabs my hands in her own. We sit in silence just staring into each others eyes.

I recall watching a movie once where the M.C said if two people can stare into each others eyes for longer than four
Minutes you're in love. I'm not sure I got that right but I know it's along those lines. Studies have even proven that staring into your partner's eyes can intensify intimacy.

Our souls communicate when I stare into her eyes.

We are broken from our silent communication with the food.

I'm not going to lie that food was amazing.

"Wow that was actually really good" I smile and keep that observation that we share the same thoughts to myself. By now she knows that most of the time I know what she's thinking. It's almost like we're one person.

We check out and walk back to our little chalet over the bluest beach I could think of.

When we walk in she immediately lays down on a hammock and gestures for me to join her.

We lay there just starting at the oranges and pinks of the sunset over the sky blue water, the contrast between the darks and lights creates a subtle feeling of peace. A feeling I had never expected to feel. It's funny how we think the universe is against us when we're younger, but in actuality it's us whose against ourselves.

Maybe younger people need to learn how to enjoy the smallest parts of their lives and not focus on growing up to fast. I fucking take that back if I had done that, I would be in such a different position now and that's not something i would want. I would never be emotionally mature to actual deal with my emmence feelings for this woman next to me.

I love her with my every being.

"What are you thinking about?". She taps the tip of my nose. Then strains her neck to bring her lips to kiss that spot.

"It's nothing really just that I never ever thought I could be this happy. You know growing up in a toxic place you tend to think the worst of everyone and everything, but who I am now is so much better than who I thought I would be. I never expected to mature like this. Part of my maturity comes from being with you".

"Tyler, you're just saying that because of the age difference between us" she laughs and that causes me to laugh with her.

"Hey it's not a big gap" I roll my eyes playfully.

"You don't think we rushed into this right?" She asks me as if this wasn't something we already spoke about.

"Like I said, i want to be with you forever. You are my forever". I kiss the tip of her nose. And she moves to lay her head on my chest. The feeling of her warm body pressed against mine makes me feel relaxed.


The next chapter will be a filler chapter. I know, I know! Fillers annoy me too, but I'm really trying to focus more on Lexy in the next chapter. I want to give you guys a small glimpse into the lives of Lexy and her Girlfriend. I want to cover as much as I can of the two of them in the next chapter. I feel like they really need thier own chapter.

If you guys don't want to read the filler, you're more than welcome to skip the chapter entirely and if there's any other fillers I will warn you guys before so that you can skip if you wish.

Again I want to thank you guys for reading the book, it really means the most to me. Please don't forget to vote on every chapter and leave comments. As many comments as possible. I love reading them.

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