chapter 21.

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"Guys I want to thank you for being so welcoming to Amara and being so warm to her, we have to leave tomorrow and I appreciate what you guys did for her" I say at the dinner table. Harry looks a bit more lively now.


"I'm fucking coming in!" I shouted at Harry through the door. I barged in and found him in his boxers playing a game I used to love. "No fucking way are you playing Life Is Strange" I tell him as i drop myself down on his bed.

"You know it?" He puts it on pause.

"Yeah I did the same thing you're doing now, I got fucking stoned and locked myself in my room for a week straight playing this game and then re playing it. I totally get your attitude now" I really do.

"This is a good game bro, Chloe is so relatable" he looks down.

"Of course she fucking is, come on, the only person she loved, her dad, died then her mom changed completely. Her step dad was a fucking stalker. Let's not forget Maxine, the person she fucking relied on left her to leave town and then she had to repress her feelings and help her. Bro if my life does not scream Chloe I don't know what does" I remember how obsessed I was with this game. With games in general.

"I really feel like only people that are fucked inside start liking this game" he presses play and I watch as Max hides in a closet.

"Bro what happened? " it's time get him out this funk.

"Actually I don't have to tell you. Remember how you felt for Caitlyn, well that's what I felt for Laney and she decided to leave me" he admits. I get up and put his console off.

At first we sit in silence before I start lecturing him and the we both head downstairs and now that his accepted what happened his a little less angry.


"Thank you for talking to him Ty" lexy hugs me tight.

"I know we just went to a funeral yesterday but is it wrong to say I'm happy" I ask her.

"No it's not" Peyton replies.

"Harry! Put that system on, we need a fucking party" I intend to make the most of my time with these fuckers before my mom's wedding.

We dance and sing, even Nicholas joins in after work. Him, my mother and Amara got on like a house on fire. I'm glad that they did. I really love ..... that, I love that they got along.

I scratch my head, that was close.

I grab Amara and we slow dance together in harmony. Every second with her in my arms makes me not want to let go of her ever.

I'm glued to her at this point. I'll never let this one go.

"You're still Holding On to me" she snaps me out my daydream and I realize the song is over.

"I'm going to be holding on to you the rest of your life" I kiss her and she smiles.

"Tyler you might want to get this" my mom calls me.

I answer the phone and listen to the sobs, it's Lynnea and Josh is dead if I get my hands on him now, who hits a pregnant woman? A fucking psycho, that's who. How did that boy go from being such a lovable boyfriend to this monster.

"Harry, get a fucking bat or some shit. Nicholas we all gotta go now" I get them ready and we leave for Dr. Blaires house.

"You sure he hit her?" Harry asks again.


"The day after her mother's funeral?" He asks a dumb question again.


"Don't do anything trash boys, let me sort it out, I don't care whether his in there beating Dr. Blaire and her you two stay out of it until you are needed" Nicholas taking charge. I fuckin love it. I've fought this shit face before he'll destroy Josh's punk ass.

I bring the car to a quick halt and step out when I hear Amara.

"Be careful baby" she and lexy followed us.

As we approach the door it's easy to hear Josh's voice. His screaming at her "you fucking whore. You think I don't see what happened here. He shows his fucking face one fucking time and you're already fucking opening your legs for him. You have my child in you. You know what i should just fucking kill you..." his voice trails off. I hear my own boot crashing into the door. It doesn't budge, I try again now luck.

"Move" Nicholas says. I move he kicks the door in with ease. Fucker must've been gyming again.

As we enter the lounge we see Dr. Blaire surrounded with blood. It's not is though, he just looks dizzy. We look over to Lynnea and see her leg hurt. He really did just stab a pregnant woman in the leg. His a fucking ass if you ask me.

"Josh stop your shit right now" Nicholas booms and then advances for him. Josh manages to move out the way and hit Nicholas with a bottle. That fucking explains this, his drunk. He throws the bottle and it shatters against the wall. Sending glass everywhere. He starts kicking Nicholas and shouting at Lynnea about calling me.

Harry and I share a nod before we both launch forward for him. Harry manages to get a punch in that makes him lose balance, I use that two step to my advantage and tackle him to the floor. Harry goes to Nicholas' side and I see lexy clutching her hand against Lynnea's leg. She's also got blood dripping down her shoulder. The glass pierced her.

I look over to Amara and something in me shifts to rage when I see it. That shattered glass launched 2 whole, finger sized glass pieces at her face. She's cut but it's not bad, but he still hurt her.

Josh takes advantage of my distraction and pushes himself up throwing me to the floor. With in seconds I see Nicholas punching Josh, three punches in and we watch as Josh's body falls to the ground. All these years Nicholas had been holding back on me even.

"Tyler go to her" Nicholas orders me.

I turn to Amara and watch her, she's not moving. She's just in shock.

"Please don't touch me, stay back Tyler, get away from me" she says as I get closer to her.

At first I stumble at her words but then I realise what's going on.

"Look at me". I take her hands. She's still in shock, she's not even moving to touch the blood on her face. "I'm okay, I'm fine" i pull her to me and she cries into my chest.

Holding Onحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن