chapter 13.

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"Let's go upstairs" she says after unbuckling my belt.

I don't have much choice here and who wouldn't go with her? Me, that's who because I'm a fucking dumbass and decided to tell her that we shouldn't just yet. She understood and kissed me one last time before climbing off me. I jumped out went to get the door for her when she noticed me and said "I can open my own doors you know" at first I thought she was serious and I had offended her but she just smiled and added a "thank you though". I walked with her to her door and this time I pulled her into a kiss.

I know this is a deadly game especially since there isn't much feelings between us. What if one of us never gets there and the other falls in to deep. "Whoever catches feelings, has to leave first" her prior warning rings through my head.

I go back to my shoe box. The clock reads 3 a.m what the hell, we were out that long!. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun.

I wake up with a headache and I'm not ready for a day with a headache, what the fuck.

Just when I thought the day couldn't get worse my phone rings, it's Peyton.

"Tyler wake the fuck up, I'm at the front desk with my bags" she cuts immediately after.

I race around my phone box sized apartment looking for some sort of reasonable pants. I grab a pair of sweats and pull them up.

I run through the garden and to the front desk. I see my best freind standing in the corner and I run up to her.

"Tyler you're uhhh squeezing me".

"Just a second longer Pey" I really do miss her.

"So whose this now?" Everly speaks from behind me.

"Everly this is my bestie, this is Peyton. Peyton this Everly".

"Oh so this is your bestfriend. I thought I was. Anyway i need you to drive me somewhere".

"You need my car?"

"My half brother Emiliano is coming and I have to fetch him, can't do that on a bike now can I?" She seems really annoyed.

"Everly what's wrong?" I'm worried about her now, she's always angry but not like this.

"His bringing is fuck nut freind Lucas with him.When I used to stay with my mom Emiliano and I we're inseparable. We did everything together, he was the sibling I always wanted and I was an amazing sister. Long story short he made freinds of his own we drifted and I moved but I moved because of something that happened. Lucas and I ended up dating and he was dog. He cheated on me" she admits. The fact that she said so infront of Peyton shows just how pissed of she is. She is usually worried about what people think about her showing any sign of weakness.

We all jump in a Amara's company car after an hour of arguing about the reason behind it.

"All I'm saying is that her car is bigger and more comfortable for your brother and his freind".

"So fucking my dad's play thing has it's perks huh".

"Everly I don't like how you put that please show a little more respect when you're addressing her".

"I'm sorry ty, it's just the fact that we're almost at the airport and I'm going to end up seeing lucus".

"Want me to fuck him up for you?".

"Tyler behave yourself" Peyton looks at me in the centre mirror from the back seat.

"Relax ladies, both of you. Peyton you can take my room, I got the couch so stop stressing about hotel fees dumbass and Everly you'll be okay with Lucas".

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