chapter 41.

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"What have you done to my Everly" I practically choke on my water.

Yeah I may have dodged that meeting.

"I'll fucking kick your ass hey" under that dress is still that sassy little thing.

"No you look good I think this suits you, just don't change your personality too" I mean it. I like that she's like me.

"Oh piss off" she rolls her eyes but gives me a hug anyway.

"Where's my wife?" I haven't seen her since I stepped into this house.

"She's in your bathroom I think".

I leave Everly in the kitchen and go to Amara.

She's changing her clothes. Her back is faced to me.

"I can feel your eyes on me" she giggles softly.

"Hey be careful your hand is still hurt" I rush over to her and help her peel that long sleeve of her.

"I'm okay" she shoos me back after she let's me help. "Go talk to Everly I know you missed her" she kiss my jaw. I can't believe I've gotten this far with her. I really do love this woman.

I leave her to finish up and go talk to Everly in the lounge when we hear a knock at the door. In comes Belle and Brooke. The girls have met before so they end up talking amongst themselves and I'm left on my phone.

AMARA comes out and hosts out guests. The next person to come to the house is my mother in law. She seems so lost in something.

At this point I'm getting suspicious.

As more time progresses my suspicions increase when Nicholas, Harry, my mother and Lexy walk in.

Don't get me wrong I'm more than glad to see them all. I love my family so much.

"Tyler!" Lexy runs up to me and practically tackles me over the couch.

The rest of my family is surrounded by Amara and her sister.

Both my mothers have this huge grin on their face. I don't really know what's going on here.

"I missed you" lexy starts crying. This happens almost everytime we see each other.

"I missed you more" I kiss my baby sister on her cheek.

I go hug my mom and greet my brother.

"What's up dick?" I hit his shoulder.

"Nothing just wondering why mom dragged us out here after Amara phoned her".

"I'm just as lost as you are" I tell him.

"Women are dramatic man let's just roll with it" we both laugh at thier expense.

"That would explain why Everly and her cooked so much of food. She knew she would be hosting this" I'm starting to pit things together here but I still don't know what's the reason behind all this.

"So I kind of have something to tell you" Amara gets my attention. She's standing in front of the room now.

I listen to her attentively. So does everyone my mom's being the exception.

"So basically Everly and I didn't only go shopping for clothes today. Well we... it would just be better to show you" my wife and my bestfriend, whose supposed to be on my side have this look of excitement on thier faces.

Here I am just waiting to be shown whatever this is.

"Well close your eyes" the two of them start shuffling around for a few minutes before AMARA'S mom comes to block my eyes.

"You're so going to freak out" she hugs me first. So they're in on it!

What the fuck man.

"Okay you can open them" I hear Amara say. By the sound of her voice she's right in front of me. Bever thought  that I would use the doppler effect to track my wife.

When I look down I'm consumed with happiness just as much as they are.

"You're serious" I smile uncontrollably.

"Yeah, I've tested multiple times" she holds the test with pure excitement and I legit grab her fucking tight and hold her like this.

I hear the noise everyone's making around us and It makes sense that she invited all the important people to us to tell me this news.

"I can't believe we're going to have a baby" I say so loudly that the shock hits me. I'm so young what even is this. But I don't care if I'm ever going to be ready for this, it's now I can't believe it still I'm only 21 but I feel like we can do this. I don't care if anyone judges us. The people in this room, the people who are most important to us. The people who mean the most to us are happy for us and I dont think anyone other them can say anything about this. Their opinions mean the most.

"Congrats guys" lexy comes to hug us. "I'm going to be an aunty. I hope it's a girl sk I can spoil her rotten" lexy takes Amara away and then comes Nicholas.

"You know normally son I'd say this is too soon for something like this, but if anyone can handle the responsibility it's the two of you, you two have so much of love that this baby would never run short of it. You and your wife are successful business people and you're financially secure. This is going to be hard yes but you and Amara are ready".

Like I said if this man whose mature and actually experienced in life can say something like that, then no one else can come up to us and say we're too young. We're rushing into things so quickly. Yeah we did rush I agree. But it was a positive thing. We both talked about this for a while and we are both definitely ready, even though i didn't expect this so soon we can do this.

"You don't think this is too soon" Amara says to me. She's as worried as I am now. I can see it all across her face.

"Baby we want this for us. We can do this. So what if we're young, we're both responsible enough to do this right. If we let opinions of people affect us we would not be where we are today. And look at us we're doing fucking great for ourselves aren't we" I kiss her and her worry fades away.

"As long as we have each other this will all be okay" she kisses me again.

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