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Renjun walked into the place in between worlds, with Chenle and Donghyuck waiting for him. Renjun gulped, he popped open the potion and chugged it down. Then, they went back home. Their home. Their lovely home, where everything started. 


Donghyuck floated around, his wings spread out lusciously. He already missed his beloved, it hasn't even been 24 hours. Donghyuck waited for a miracle or something to happen. He just wanted to be with his one and only baby, but now he can't. 

Suddenly a portal opened up from Donghyuck's room...

Meanwhile, Chenle couldn't stop thinking about Jisung. Like his own best friend couldn't get out of his head. Moving on wasn't as easy as it sounded. Chenle sat and sighed, he laid on his bed, wondering how Jisung was doing. He wanted to hold him in his arms again. 

Chenle fell asleep, but he felt like someone was actually holding him. Holding Chenle in their arms. Like a child, like a baby, like a lover. 


Renjun was asleep and was literally knocked unconscious when he woke up to someone stroking his hair and just petting him like a dog. Renjun slowly opened his eyes, and he saw Jaemin and Jeno appear before his eyes. 

"What are the two of you doing here ?" Renjun muttered out, he didn't feel like sitting up, he just wanted to know if it was a dream. 

"We came to see you, hm? You drank that potion?" Jaemin asked, it was a nice soothing voice type thing, it made Renjun calm and it was warm. Renjun slowly nodded, Jeno was sat on the side of the bed, petting Renjun also, letting Renjun doze off again. 

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