25 | Drunks and Lips Locked

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As time passed, they made much progress with the love thermometer, up to almost 50%. Donghyuck was invited to Mark's birthday party, the first party ever. Renjun finally let him, like what's the worse that could happen. 

Besides, they were gonna finish up Highschool soon, and might as well let Donghyuck have his fun in his last year. They are going to need it. They'll need their other 50% later. Welp, Donghyuck could drink, just not that heavily. 

"Glad you're here," Mark said with a smile. 

Donghyuck smiled back and entered the house. There were several people inside, then dinner was served. They had a cake and a really, really good meal. Then the people left, and that's when the fun actually started with teenagers and adults coming in bringing drinks and such.


Donghyuck just held his plastic cup, wandering around avoiding gatherings and such. Everyone was drunk later into the young night, reeking of booze, and whatnot. Donghyuck was also in a state of drunk, but not that drunk, but drunk. It was a long night, and some left, some were knocked out drunk.

He felt someone grab him by the wrist, helping him into a bedroom. He felt a cold cloth was touching his skin, someone was just wiping his face. 

"Sit down," the voice instructed, well he helped sat him down on the comfy bed. Donghyuck had no idea what was going on, but he kept squirming around. Donghyuck ended up undressed and was forced into comfier clothes. 

"hehe, it's softtt!" Donghyuck giggled, hugging the blanket. He heard a sigh, and he had to be put to bed.

"Hehe, it smells like Mark Hyung~," Donghyuck giggled. 

"Hyuck, go to sleep," the voice said. Donghyuck did the opposite, just sitting up. "Nuuuu!" Donghyuck giggled. He tried to tuck him in again, both boys were drunk, but one at least still had his mind. 

Donghyuck put his arms around him, and lips crashed together. That's what's on his mind. Lips locked with the other, tongues tied together. (Ew, tongue scenes...)

He pushed Donghyuck away, with Donghyuck whining at him. "Kiss?" Donghyuck pouted.

"No, sleep. You need sleep," he said. He tucked Donghyuck and finally, Donghyuck was knocked unconscious. 


Donghyuck groggily was woken up by Renjun's 40 missing calls. 

"What?" Donghyuck's voice sounded hoarse, and he was tired. 

"Bruh, why aren't you at home? The fuck are you at?" Renjun asked. 

"Uhhh still at Mark Hyung's place," Donghyuck replied.

"Your ass better be home by lunch or else I'mma murder you," Renjun threatened and hung up. Donghyuck took some time to process things, regaining memories. Well, his Mark Hyung also sat up, with a headache. 

"Hyung, I think I have to go... Renjun hyung called for me. Thanks for letting me stay, I guess...?" Donghyuck seemed confused, but Mark let him go. 


"What's wrong? You've been like this since you got home," Renjun questioned.

"I think I kissed Mark hyung last night, but I couldn't tell if that was a dream or whatever," Donghyuck questioned himself.

"You? Kissing someone, I need real proof for that to actually happen, it's hard to believe that you would kiss someone," Renjun spat. Donghyuck kind of agreed. 

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