19 | A Declined Invitation

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Donghyuck sat and thought about what he wanted to do when he made a move on his MarkHyung. Maybe ask him to hang out? But that failed with him and his friends. Maybe just start a conversation? Mark dips within saying what he needed and just leaves. Ask for homework help? Nah, Donghyuck already learned everything. 

Donghyuck groaned loudly. He wasn't sure what to do. He needed to somehow get closer to him. But Donghyuck wasn't sure how. 

"Uh, Mark Hyung, can I have your number? So we can chat easily," Donghyuck said, he tugged on Mark's sweatshirt. Yeah, that's what he resulted in.

"Alright, here," Mark said, he took out his phone, Donghyuck put his number in. Mark texted first, then left. Donghyuck smiled, progress has been made. Donghyuck saved Mark's number as, "my Mark hyung." 

Donghyuck smiled and he walked off. Some progress is finally showing between them. 


Donghyuck waited after school for his two cupid friends and the two weirdos who tag along. Then, a voice called for him, "Hey, Donghyuck." Donghyuck looked up to see his Mark Hyung in front of him.

"Hm? What's up?" Donghyuck asked.

"Oh, nothing, just wanted to ask you something. I forgot about it earlier, but do you want to come to one of my friend's party? Yeah, there's alcohol and stuff, but I'll keep you away from the drinks, haha," Mark said, Donghyuck thought about it.

"No, don't even think about it," Renjun said, coming right in between them. 

"I know you will try to keep him away from drinks, hyung. But, that doesn't mean that drinks couldn't be drugged too. I'm not letting you go there," Renjun stated.

"That's fine, I'll go with my friends anyways," Mark said with a shrug. Donghyuck sighed, Renjun smacked Donghyuck on the back of the head.

"Look. I know your alcohol tolerance, don't even think about it," Renjun muttered to Donghyuck. Jaemin and Jeno looked confused, but Chenle told them not to worry about it. 

Donghyuck rolled his eyes. He didn't care, he'll have to wait, he's already over the age anyways. Mark wasn't disappointed, but he didn't seem to not care, apparently.

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