27 | The New School Year

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Chenle thought about what Renjun said. Maybe he should fall for a mortal, but he wanted to love that boy forever... He thought it would be better if they were friends. (Like me)

Chenle smiled at the thought but frowned when he thought when his crush falls in love with someone else. But that's whatever. Chenle went to play some videogames in his room before he went to sleep.


Chenle finally is going to start the new school year and it was already busy. A new freshman was wanting to know where to go, and Chenle wasn't a big talker, but Jisung could help him talk for a bit. Of course, many thought he and Jisung were cute upperclassmen. 

Finally, their year might be a bit busier and harder for them. Chenle had to help with getting new members into the club or else the club would need to be taken down. Of course, nobody was interested, so Renjun had to take it towards the new step.

"Hello, we are the Cupid's club, we always are welcoming new members. This is the president of this club, we have our daily confessions, and advice answering right here during lunch. Just drop a paper into one of the slots of our club room, and we'll read them. Oh yes, this is all anonymous, so no snitches," Renjun said.

"Feel free to check us out, but that's about it. This is a new year, so we don't have any advice nor confessions," Renjun said, then Jeno turned the mic off. "Whew, now we can finally get people in the club... But I do plan to just graduate and leave this town..." Renjun said, sitting on their couch of the studio.

"What? Why?" Jaemin asked.

"Because I am. It was just temporary to be here," Renjun said.

"But you made this big thing that happened. You can't just quit," Jeno said.

"Yeah, that's great and all. But like I am my own selfishness," Renjun quoted. "Anyways, I have to eat, mind your damn business," he said, opening up his boxed lunch. 


Chenle walked out of the locker room, waiting a bit for Jisung. Jisung walked out and they went towards their class group. Obviously, many people have their little crushes from here and there, but even if they did like Chenle or Jisung, it would be hard when one liked the other and the other wanted to try to stay as friends.

They would be that two high school best friends that act sus but aren't but they are also. They were given an introduction during P.E. and just like the previous year, Jisung helped Chenle tye up his sweatpants because Chenle didn't know how to make a perfect bow on his strings.

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