6 | That boy from P.E

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Chenle returned to school the next day, he was brought to his class by Donghyuck's upperclassmen, Mark Lee. Mark left for his classes, and now Chenle has to attend his own class. He was sat in the corner of the classroom this time, which was a good thing. 

Chenle was feeling a lot anxious and very quiet. He was very quiet, people would slightly look at Chenle, just checking out who was the new student. The teacher lowered down, chatting with the boy, making sure he's comfortable, and telling him what was needed to catch up on. 

For what felt like a long time, he was finally let out of his class period, and now, Chenle was too lazy to attend his next one, but he has too. 


Chenle pulled over his shirt, changing into comfy clothes for P.E. Since his school didn't have an exact school p.e. uniform for exercises. Chenle felt insecure and awkward, but that didn't matter. Nobody cares about your body, just rock it, baby. 

Chenle was surprisingly quiet, (I mean, all of NCT are all introverts). The teacher made everyone run around the track, ended up with many sweaty females and males. Some of the females were wearing a little bit revealing clothing, like no, you do not need a crop top for P.E. Like, bitch, no.

Chenle was just dressed in a long t-shirt and sweat pants, and girls apparently love when guys in sweatpants. But, Chenle waddled around because all of his 'junk' was in his undies, the sweatpants were nice and big for Chenle, it was comfy. A boy walked up to him, he felt his pants tighten. "Hey, make sure this is tight, people can see some of your cute underpants." Chenle blushed from embarrassment, having someone needing to fix it for him. 

That was true, Chenle noticed they kinda slid off. The boy checked to make sure, and Chenle nodded. It was tighter now with the string. Well, usually, Cupids just wear long-drawn white robes, so Chenle didn't know what the string on the pants was for. 

"Thank you," Chenle thanked the tall boy, he was a lean and kinda slim of a boy. That boy smiled at him, and then the coach made everyone run again because the girls were being lazy. 


Chenle sat in class, he was hella bored. He's already learned all of these things when he was younger. Well, I mean, he is 1170 years old. 

Chenle was curious about that boy that helped him with his pants. (God, that sounded weird.)

Maybe he's in a different class or something. But he was a really nice guy. Chenle looked down in his notebook, taking some notes and stuff. Around the end of the class, the teacher assigned a new project. 

"Chenle, are you okay with handling this new project? You don't have to do it," His teacher asked with all heads turned towards Chenle. Chenle smiled, replying with a simple, " I can do it." She nodded her head, giving out instructions for the assignment. 

The teacher drew out cards with everyone's name on each card. Pairing every student together. Chenle ended up with this boy named, Jisung Park. It was apparent that the same boy from his Physical Education class. 

"Ah, it's you," Chenle spoke when the boy came up to him.

"Jisung Park, it's my name," Jisung said, giving Chenle a smile. Chenle grinned back, Chenle gave Jisung his number without a second thought. It was only for a project.

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