8| The Beginning of a New Club

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Renjun got themselves a teacher and planned out everything with the two brats with him. Then their club was completed. 


Renjun walked into the club room, taking over the microphone of the whole school. The announcement microphone. It was lunchtime and the club had a specially designed studio for them, which is linked to the announcement bell. 

Renjun quickly ate his lunch and begun his introductions. The mic on, Jeno and Jaemin were messing around but they stayed quiet when Renjun went inside the recording area, going on Live. 

"Hi, this is the president of the Cupid's Love Club, here. This is our lunch announcements, we are here for love advice, friendship advice, and everything is anonymous. If you have any questions or need help, well drop by our club room, and slip it in one of our boxes. We have two boxes, confessions, and advice. We even provide slips of paper and pens. We have in total, 5 members, we will switch out announcers, so look out," Renjun announced calmly. But in reality, his hands were shaking heavily, but he kept his voice stable. 

"We also shall remain anonymous for the safety of others. But of course, it's not a complete secret. If you see us or recognize our voices, we wouldn't lie about it," Renjun continued. 

"But that's about it for now, have a good day," Renjun said, then Jeno turned off the mic. Renjun was still shaking, but his breathing was kind of shaky. 

"Woah, that felt weird," Renjun said, trying to calm thy self. Chenle waddled in saying how a lot of people's interests were peaked while breathing very heavily from running down the hallway to tell his hyung. Chenle tackled down Renjun with a big hug. They did it. 

"Shit bro! People liked it!" Donghyuck said, jumping on the two.

"FUCK! Hyuck, you're heavy!" Renjun groaned as Donghyuck giggled. 

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