The Owner of the Hand

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Elphaba stared at the face before her.
When she saw who it was, her shoulders shrunk in relief and she let go of the breath she didn't know she was holding.
"Glinda, thank goodness!" Elphaba exclaimed.
Glinda laughed at what Elphaba had said and, seeing her friend's strange look, explained, "it's just a song."
They automatically walked upstairs to their room. They still shared a room, not wanting to be apart for too long, especially after Glinda had come home when her friend wasn't there.
They both sat down on the bed, knowing how hard it would be to sleep.
Glinda took the tape out of her purse and set it on the table.
"What's that?" Elphaba asked.
"Elphaba, don't be mad, but when we were at Shiz, i sort of video taped you a couple of times," Glinda murmered.
"YOU WHAT?" Elphaba exclaimed.

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