Trouble In Arrendelle

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"Elphaba!" Elsa screamed through the phone.
"Gosh, calm down! What's wrong!" Elphaba mumbled.
"Elphaba, get down here quick! We've beeb attacked by...(cracking a fuzzy sounds) Southern Isles."
"I'll be there as soon as i can!"
"Goo-" The line cut off.
"Glinda!" Elphaba called.
"What?" Glinda yelled, rushing into the room.
"It's Elsa and Anna, they are in trouble. The Southern Isles is attacking them!"
"We have to go help them!" Glinda exclaimed.
"Get Christery and Boq, I'll tell my father," Elphaba commanded.
"Okay," Glinda raced out of the room.
"Dad!" Elphaba called, walking towards her father's room.
"Elphaba, what's wrong, my sweet?" Frexspar asked in a worried tone.
'And they wonder where i get that from.' Elphaba thought.
"Glinda, Boq, Christery, and I are leaving to help Elsa and Anna foght off the Southern Isles. I need you to stay here and watch over Oz. You have expirience with this kind of stuff," Elphaba explained.
"Okay, i'll stay, even though i know you just don't me there because it is dangerous," Frexspar said.
"Goodbye father, stay safe," Elphaba told, kissing Frex on the cheek and running out the door. She hustled to Glinda's room and grabbed her satchel, which held the Grimmerie.
When she arrived back in the livig room, the other three were waiting.
"Elphie, i how you do not mind, i called Nick to help us," Glinda noted.
"Seriously? Glinda!"
"Hey! There's nothing you can do about it, he's already on his way," Glinda interrupted.
Nick knocked on the door, and Elphaba opened it.
"Hey!" Nick panted.
"Hey! Did you run all the way here?"
"Glinda, are we all here?" Elphaba asked.
Glinda blushed. "Yes."
"Then let's go, we have a town to save."

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