24. Acid Fog

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Post Date: 01.01.21

Word count: 807

Based off: 02x14 "Bodyguard of Lies"


You spent the next few hours helping Raven guide Bellamy through the compound, "Bellamy, come in," Raven says through the radio.

"Yeah, i'm a little busy here, Raven," Bellamy  responds sounding frustrated.

"You missed check in," You say.

"Did you find the source of the acid fog yet?" Raven asks while looking through papers.

"I'm making my way there now. It's taking longer than I thought," Bellamy says.

"I don't know enough to crack it on this end. You gotta give me something," Raven says.

"I'm working on it," Bellamy responds. "Something's wrong," Bellamy says after a few seconds.

"What?" You ask.

"My keycard isn't working," Bellamy explains.

"That's not good," You say.

"I need to find another way in. I'll call you guys back," Bellamy says.

You start to help Raven set up some chemistry stuff when Wick walks in, "I've been summoned? Really?" He says.

"Yeah. Thanks. I need your help on this acid-fog deal. Bellamy will radio when he gets eyes on the dispersal system. But I wanna talk it through first. I think-- what's funny?" Raven says making her way to another part of the room and grabbing chemicals.

"Oh, come on. It's a banner day. You gotta see that. Raven Reyes asking for help? That's one for the history books," Wick says.

"Nevermind. I'll do it on my own," Raven says annoyed.

"Hey. Joke. Humor? It's just what I do," Wick says.

"There are a thousand grounders camped in the woods waiting to go get our friends," You say.

"And they can't move because...because I can't figure this out," Raven says frustrated.

"Hey. No one could. It's a tough ask, not without more data," Wick says.

"While you two work on this I'm gonna see if there's any news on Tondc," You say and head out of the room.

You head to the guards outside and ask if there was anyone sent for news on Tondc, but there was nothing. With no other tasks to do you decide to check up on Wick and Raven.

"Hey any luck?" You ask the two.

"Not yet, but we're hoping to hear back from Bellamy," Raven says.

Just like on cue, "Come in Raven and Y/N. I made it. I hope you have a plan," Bellamy says.

"We're still working on it. Give us something to go on. What do you see? Rave asks.

"A huge steel vat, looks like a submarine. SOme other tanks with chemical formulas. Warning labels. Bunch of pipes going into the wall. A monitor," Bellamy describes.

"Oh. Go to the monitor," Wick says grabbing onto the radio that Raven was still holding.

"Hello to you too," Bellamy says.

"Don't mind Wick. He's not really helping," Raven says.

"Hey, Bellamy. How's my boy Monty doing?" Wick asks.

"Fine, yeah. But I don;t know for how long," Bellamy says.

"Great. Pleasantries over. Listen, if that monitor is a control panel, we can use it to kill this thing. Look for a pH scale," Wick explains. Bellamy starts listing off what he see on the panel.

"Can I just blow this thing?" Bellamy questions.

"No, they'll know their defenses are down. They'll send a tech to fix it, reroute it, or pull out a weapon we don;t even know about," Wick says.

"Plus, you'd probably melt your face off," You say taking a hold of the radio.

"Look, you know I like a good explosion but we gotta think our way through this one. We can do this. Here we go," Raven says.

"Ok, uhh 'Level indicator'," Bellamy says reading through the menu. He continues ti list off the different things he sees while Raven and Wick still walk him through which to press.

"Maintenance and cleaning," Bellamy says.

Wick was about to speak before Raven stopped him, "Wait. Corrosion. The protective oxide film would have to be restored on tanks this old. They need to be cleaned," Raven says.

"And neutralized," Wick adds. He then speaks into the radio, "Bellamy, go to that subdirectory,. See if there's anything that says 'passivation'"

"I got it," Bellamy says after a few seconds. "It says 'aqueous sodium hydroxide bath'" Bellamy says.

"That's a base. That'll neutralize the acid. Select that," Wick says.

"It's doing something," Bellamy says.

"You should be able to hear the pump," Raven says and Bellamy confirms.

"The needle is moving. pH is rising," Bellamy says and Wick confirms it's working. "'Passivation successful'" Bellamy says.

"Yes!" You all yell and hug eachother.

"Alright. Send the flare," Bellamy says.

"Roger that," You say into the radio and leave the room. Raven follows after you.

"So what was that little look you and Wick gave each other?" You ask Raven as you head outside.

"Shut up," She says. You grab the gun and flare and shoot it straight in the sky.

A/N: I know this part is awkwardly short too but it's just a filler and I again want to keep it one ep per part. I hope you enjoyed reading and are ready for my plans for the last 2 eps of season 2. Thanks and Happy New Year!

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