20. Poisoned Alliance

332 5 2

Post Date: 10.23.20

Word count: 2.5k

Based off: 02x09 "Remember Me"


Abby and Kane started to head down to the grounder camp and Raven hastily followed then with her eyes still full of tears. You didn't want to be standing with the crowd so you headed back to the Ark. You didn't hesitate to make a beeline for your room. Only a few minutes later you heard a knock on your door. As you open it you find Bellamy standing there.

"Hey. You uh...good?" He asks.

"Yeh. I just needed a moment," You respond letting him through.

"Ok. Umm...Clarke just got back. She said that they're going to the village to perform a death ritual. Abby, Kane, Octavia, Raven and I are going. Clarke was gonna ask if you want to go too, but she couldn't find you, I figured you came back here," Bellamy explains.

"Yeh. Hopefully, it shows that we're committing to this truce. When do we leave?" You ask.

"Tomorrow morning," He responds.

"Ok, well I guess we should get some rest. See you tomorrow," You say.

"See you tomorrow," Bellamy says, placing a hand on the handle to your door. He hesitated a bit and before leaving your room he pulled you into a tight hug. Although it seemed out of character, you knew, as much as he did, that you needed it. He then quickly left your room without a word. The moment he left you walked to your bed and plopped down.

The next morning Clarke had come to get you before you all left, "Hey," You say as you open the door.

"Hey, you ready?" Clarke asks.

"Yeh," You respond, grabbing your bag. The two of you walk down the hall in silence until you decide to break it. "How are you doing? After...uh... last night," You ask.

"I--I'm good," She responds quietly. You felt awkward so you stayed quiet until you met up with everyone else. Your group had met up with the grounders and you all set out to the village.

"Hey. You doing alright?" Bellamy asks Clarke noticing her look into the forest. As we walk towards the village.

"Yeah," Clarke says slightly annoyed.

"You did the right thing," Bellamy states.

"Now I get to live with it. You still think this truce is a bad idea, don't you," Clarke says.

"I think we're wasting time with politics while our friends are in trouble," Bellamy states back.

"We need their army to get to Mount Weather, Bellamy. And you know it," You say.

"Their army has been getting their ass kicked by Mount Weather forever. What we need is an inside man. Someone to be our eyes and ears," Bellamy suggests.

"Forget it. It's too dangerous," Clarke pushes off.

"Clarke, if you and Y/N can make it out, I can make it in," Bellamy states.

"Bellamy it's too risky. I'm sticking with Clarke," You say.

"Since I don't take orders from either of you...I'm gonna need a better reason," He states annoyed.

"I can't lose you too, okay?" You say looking at him.

"We can't lose you," Clarke adds. Bellamy just stays silent until we get to a place to set up camp.

The grounders and your people had set up their camps with a clear division in the middle. You noticed as Clarke was setting up a sleeping area closer to the grounders. You understood what she was doing and decided to join her.

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