28. On the Search

265 7 0

Post Date: 02.05.21

Word count: 1.7k

Based off: 03x02 "Wanheda: Part 2″


"It's been three hours. What are they waiting for?" Bellamy asks impatiently. You had been stuck in the rover longer than expected, but it's not like you guys were going to give up or leave the rover where it is.

"Even with the light, I don't see anyone," You say.

"I say we make a run for it," Monty suggests.

"No. That's what they want us to do," Kane says.

"The boy is right. They can wait longer than we can," Indra says with a knife in hand.

"Okay, Bellamy. You get in the turret and you cover us. Once we get to that ridge over there, we'll cover you," Kane explains.

"Copy that. Run fast," Bellamy says.

"I'll cover him in case anyone gets close," You say.

"No, go with them," Bellamy says.

"I can cover you," You say. Bellamy heads up to run the turret.

"They're here," He says as soon as he gets up there.

"Everybody out of the boy dies," The man says. Before you even had a moment to move, Bellamy is pulled out from the top of the rover.

"Okay! Okay, we're coming out!" Kane yells. "Don't hurt him!" Kane says disarming himself. He opens the door and they're quickly yanked from outside and a man grabs Kane, before quickly tossing you out as well. They pin you to the ground, making sure you can't move.

"All targets secure," A woman says. A man comes with a beeping device and he grabs Monty and the beacon.

"It's mine, give it back!" Monty struggles.

"Monty! Let it go!" You yell.

"Monty?" The woman questions.

"Mom?" Monty questions back. The woman quickly takes her mask off and makes her way to Monty. The two of them embrace each other.

"Farm Station stand down," A man says and the men let us go.

"Pike?" Kane asks.

"You have no idea how good it is to see you," The man says taking his mask off and helping Kane up.

"We didn't think you made it," Kane says.

"Lacroix, Smith, watch out six. Everyone else, I said stand down," Pike says and the men let us up.

"How many of you are there?" Kane asks Pike as you made your way over.

"63. The rest are camped in the mountains north of here. Grounder killers one and all. Am I right?" Kane says and the rest of Farm Station chants. Monty and you look at each other with concerned looks, considering the lengths you all went through to make a somewhat peace, and Indra was standing nearby.

"Hate to cut this short. We gotta find Clarke," Bellamy says coming up to you, Pike, and Kane.

"Clarke Griffin?" Pike asks and Bellamy nods. "If only all of my earth skills students were as good as her," Pike says.

"It's good to see you, sir," Bellamy says.

"You too. And who is this, I don't think i ever had you in my class," Pike says turning to you.

"Y/N Y/L/N. I was put in the Skybox before I got to take your class," You say.

"It's nice to meet you," He says.

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