15. A Long Trek

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Post Date: 09.11.20

Word count: 1.3k

Based off: 02x04 "Many Happy Returns


For the next couple of hours, Anya drags you and Clarke through the forest, "Anya, we've been walking for hours. Where are we going?" Clarke asks as Anya continues to pull us with her.

"Quiet," Is the only response Anya gives.

"Why not just kill us and get it over with?" You ask.

"You two can tell the commander what the Mountain Men are doing to us there," Anya replies. Clarke stops walking leading you and Anya to be slightly pulled back.

"So let's work together. We don't have to be enemies," Clarke tries to negotiate.

"And unite with people as weak as you two? I have what I need," Anya says before continuing on but Clarke pulls her back.

"We all want the same thing," Clarke states.

"Get down," Anya says as she pulls both you and Clarke down.

"They found us," You state noticing the green lasers searching through the forest and the darts flying through the sky.

"Run," Anya says before pulling us with her. Clarke grabs the dart off of the tree as we pass it.

Anya continues to pull us through the forest, "Quiet. You two can't even walk in the woods," Anya whispers.

"If we're such burdens, then cut us loose," You whisper back.

"Heavy footfalls, broken branches, you guys even smell like them," Anya complains. You all make it to the top of a hill and watch the Mountain Men below you guys before heading off again.

"Down," Anya demands as we make our way to a small puddle. Clarke tries to drink before Anya says otherwise. The next thing you know you get a blob of mud slapped onto your face.

"You two reek. Cover yourselves in it," Anya says before reaching down to do the same for herself. The three of you quickly cover yourselves in the mud. Soon enough you're covered head to toe in mud. You guys scale the hill ahead of you guys and stop to catch your breaths. As you waited you noticed the Mountain Men once again not too far away.

"How are they still following us?" You ask.

"Because of you two. Time to end this," Anya says raising a rock up.

"Anya, we're stepping where you step. We're covered in mud. We're not leaving a trail," Clarke pleads for the both of you.

"They're following something," Anya states.

"They're not following us, they're tracking us. Search yourself. If I'm right...it should feel like a small bump just under your skin," Clarke states as you all start to search yourselves. Anya quickly rips one of her sleeves, revealing a small bump on her arm.

"It's you," You state taking notice of the bump.

"Okay, I can remove it. But you need to untie my hands. I just need something sharp and sterile--" Clarke explains before Anya bites her own arm, ripping the tracker out.

"I will not go back there," She states. The three of you continue through the forest, still with no clue where Anya is taking you.

"Anya, you're still bleeding. At least let me bandage it before it gets infected," Clarke pleads as you all come upon a small creek. Anya looks down at her arm and Clarke quickly shoves the dart she grabbed earlier into Anya's neck, leading her to fall to the ground.

"We can find our way home from here. Come on, lets get her tied up. Looks like she's our prisoner now," Clarke says looking at you. You and Clarke untie your hands and use the cloths to bound Anya's.

"We can't just drag her on the ground. We need to make something to pull her," You state.

"You're right, we should make a stretcher. Grab some large branches and something to tie them together. I'll keep an eye on Anya," Clarke says before you head off. Once you had gathered enough branches, you and Clarke quickly put together a stretcher and put Anya on top.

You two then drag her all the way back to the Dropship," Never thought I'd be back here anytime soon," You state as you and Clarke set Anya down.

"Look," Clarke points at the faded message written on the ship. The message was too faded to make out besides yours and Clarke's names, but it still indicated that whoever didn't make it to Mt. Weather was still alive.

You turn around to find a weak Anya stumbling towards you and Clarke, "Anya, wait." Clarke says putting her hands up and you follow after. Anya tries to take a swing at the two of you but you and Clarke both doge it. She tries once more this time landing a punch to Clarke.

"Hey," You say making your way towards her but Anya just punches you in the stomach. Clarke picks up a large branch and starts to swing at Anya, missing every time. Clarke tries to knock Anya with the branch but Anya catches it. You try to knock her with a branch as well, but Anya is quick to kick you in your upper thigh, sending pain to the previous two injuries. She then sends Clarke to the ground.

With the pain being too much it was up to Clarke to fight Anya, "I don't wanna kill you, Anya," Clarke says as the two of them have a standoff.

"Then you're the one that's gonna die, and then its Y/N next," Anya states. They start to fight once more but Anya is clearly more skilled in hand to hand, sending Clarke to the ground again and again. Once you were able to get a hold of yourself, you were able to save Clarke by smashing a rock into Anya's head. Clarke was quick to get on top of her, continually punching Anya in the face.

"That's enough Clarke. Clarke," You yell trying to get her attention. Clarke finally stops but picks up the knife beside her getting ready to kill Anya.

"Wait, Clarke. Look!" You say pointing at the shiny balloon in the distance. Clarke gets off of Anya to look at the ballon.

"You two fought well," Anya says out of breath.

"I knew it. He lied. Our people are out there," Clarke says looking over to you.

You and Clarke quickly tie up Anya once more. You then start to make your way towards the balloon. It may have taken a while as you were all tired and it was dark. But soon enough you made it to the edge of the forest where you found a piece of the Ark lighting up the night sky in front of you.

"Look at that," Clarke says.

"We made it," You respond.

"How many are there?" Anya questions.

"I don't know. A lot, I hope," Clarke answers. Clarke then turns to Anya and starts to untie her hands, "I'm letting you go. I'm not weak, but I'm not like you. We both aren't. Our only chance against Mt. Weather is if we fight together. To beat them, we'll need our technology and your knowledge of this world. I know our people will help. The question is, will yours?" Clarke asks Anya.

"The commander was my second. I can get an audience," Anya responds. Clarke then puts out her arm as Anya grasps her. You then follow after, finally coming to an agreement between the three of you.

"Please hurry," You add. Anya slowly walks off but doesn't make it far before she's shot down.

"Anya!" You and Clarke yell running towards her. As you and Clarke rush to her you feel a bullet brush your abdomen, but you don't let it stop you from getting to Anya. You and Clarke try to keep Anya with you guys, but it seemed she had lost too much blood.

"yu gonplei ste odon," Anya says before nodding off for one last time. Hearing her repeat those words, lead you to make the connection between them and death.

"Clarke, she's gone. There's nothing we can do," You say as she frantically tries to save Anya.

"No, she can't be. We can still save her," Clarke mutters as you hear footsteps behind you. Before you know it you're hit in the head, knocking you out.

A/N: Again just a filler but it was important. I know it was probably weird that Anya was able to take two people on. But I wasn't sure how to get Y/N back to Camp Jaha, so I just kept this part semi-canon. I hope you all enjoyed.

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