03. Nobody's Safe

809 18 4

Post Date: 05.08.20

Word count: 2.9k

Based off: 01x03 "Earth Kills"


Some kid comes running up to us, "Trina and Pascal are missing," Bellamy just sighs, gets up, and walks off. You follow along. He finds his way to Atom and a couple of other kids and tells them to go looking for them.

As Bellamy and Murphy have some brotherly bonding time throwing knives and stuff you see what there is to do around camp. You find mostly everyone setting up tents and building a wall to keep the grounders out.

You go over to Octavia who is holding a tarp, "Hey, need help?" You ask her.

"Hey. Yeh just setting my tent up. If you could just help me drape it over that'd be great." She responds as you grab the other side of the trap and walk to the other side of the frame. You two soon find out that the tarp is too small to cover the entire frame.

"Ugh, this is the third one I've tried. I'm gonna go see if I can find a bigger one," She says as she walks towards the dropship. You wait for her to come out, but a few minutes have passed so you go see what she's up to.

You find Octavia talking to Atom before she storms out and you follow, "What happened?" You ask Octavia.

"Bellamy did," She says sternly. We make our way to the tent where Bellamy and Murphy were. We walk into them talking about something, probably about hunting.

"What did you do to Atom?" Octavia questions her brother. He gestures for Murphy and you to leave but you just wait by the entrance. Octavia turns around and nods her head to tell you everything fine. You can hear Octavia's muffled voice questioning her brother until she runs out of the tent after hearing Jaspers pained moans.

You follow her into the Dropship and up to the next floor where you find Wells, Clarke, Finn, and Monty looking at Jasper, "Stop it! You're killing him!" Octavia rushes over to Jasper.

"She's trying to save his life." Finn rebuttals.

"She can't," Bellamy says walking in, you look over at him and shake your head as Wells says something.

"We didn't drag him through miles of woods just to let him die" You sigh.

"Kids a goner. If you can't see that, you're deluded. He's making people crazy." Bellamy replies.

"Sorry if Jasper's an inconvenience to you, but this isn't the Ark. Down here, every life matters," Clarke sternly states.

"Take a look at him. He's a lost cause."

"Just because you believe that, doesn't mean that it isn't worth trying to save him. We need every person to survive down here." You state.

"Octavia, I've spent my whole life watching my mother heal people. If I say there's hope, there's hope." Clarke says turning to Octavia whose looking at Jasper with a concerned look.

"This isn't about hope, its about guts. You don't have the guts to make the hard choices. I do. He's been like this for three days. If he's not better by tomorrow, I'll kill him myself. Octavia, Y/N, let's go." Bellamy says about to leave.

"I'm staying here," Octavia says not taking her eyes off Jasper. Bellamy looks at you expectantly before heading down the ladder.

"Power-hungry, self-serving jackass. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. No offense" Monty says looking over to Octavia, who just shrugs it off.

"I'll talk to him, just give me some time," You say before heading down the ladder.

You walk around camp looking for him, you find him in the tent he was in earlier with Murphy again, "So, when do we leave," You ask walking into the tent.

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