16. The Murder of Innocents

381 8 0

Post Date: 09.18.20

Word count: 2.1k

Based off: 02x05 "Human Trials"


You wake up to find yourself being dragged into the area the Ark was in.

"How many of you are there?" A woman in a guards uniform asks. But you and Clarke were to worn out to even answer. You watch as people quickly move away, clearly being afraid of you as they thought you two were grounders.

"Wait," You hear a voice in the distance.

"Once the prisoners are secure," The guard woman says.

"They're not prisoners. That's my daughter and that's Y/N Y/L/N," The woman says leading you to realize it was Abby Griffin. She quickly rushes over to make sure Clarke was alright and then you, before passing out again.

You wake up laying on some sort of cot, "I need two saline and two pressure dressings," Abby says as you and Clarke both wake up.

"I'm on it," A man's voice says.

"I saw your ship crash," Clarke states raspily to her mother.

"I wasn't on it. I'm right here," Abby responds.

Abby and her assistant, Jackson, work to tend your wounds as you notice the guard woman from earlier come in, "Are they alright?" She asks.

"They will be," Abby answers.

"I'm sorry ma'am. We had no idea who they were. Where have you been?" She questions us.

"Byrne," Abby says, clearly wanting us to get rest.

"Mount Weather," You answer raspily.

"The grounders took you to Mount Weather?" She asks.

"No. The Mountain Men. We have to get them out," Clarke answers sitting up.

"We're not doing this right now," Abby says again wanting us to rest.

"Yes, ma'am," Byrne responds before leaving.

"Mom. Did anyone else make it here?" Clarke questions as you sit up as well.

"Yes. Six of you did," Abby answers.

"Bellamy?" You quickly say.

"And Finn?" Clarke asks in quick succession. Abby softly nods and you feel like a weight lifted off your chest.

"I thought they were dead," Clarke says. "I thought you were dead," Clarke says as she starts to break down. You move as quickly as you can to comfort her.

"Not me," Abby says before pulling Clarke into a small hug. She then puts her arm out to pull you in as well. As much as you still didn't like her, you needed a good hug. "I'm right here," Abby whispers.

After Abby had helped you and Clarke clean up she stayed until you two fell asleep. You woke up just a bit after Clarke as she and Abby were having a conversion.

"How long have we been asleep?" You ask groggily.

"About 10 hours," Abby responds. Clarke then tries to quickly get up but Abby tries to stop her.

"Clarke, slow down. Hey, it's too soon," Abby tells her.

"Mom, we need to move against Mount Weather. How many guards are there here? Where are Finn and Bellamy?" Clarke asks.

"Clarke, please. You need to rest," Abby pleads.

"I don't need to rest. I'm fine. And I don't need you to protect me," Clarke says moving to get up.

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