02. Goggles

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Post Date: 04.14.20

Word count: 3.8k

Based off: 01x02 "Earth skills"


You wake up to some rustling noises from Bellamy's little fort, signifying that he was fondling with some girl. You get up not being able to deal with the noise anymore. You walk out to find people hanging out and enjoying their newfound freedom on earth. The only person you found that wasn't was Wells, who was holding a shovel and heading towards the outskirts of the camp.

You grab another shovel and walk up to him, "Want some help?" You ask, walking up beside him, but he ignores your question. You turn to face him, "Look, I'm sorry for what I said last night, I'm just not a fan of anyone on the Ark and I'm sorry for what happened last night... You know that I would've stopped it if I could." You say.

"Then why didn't you? You were clearly watching the whole thing. And don't you understand that we need them to come down?" He asks, walking around you.

"What was I supposed to do against four guys? Beat them all up?" You ask following him and get no response. "I will try to keep Bellamy and his posse under control, he trusts me enough to consider my opinion. Or at least I think. I'm sorry for letting that happen. We don't need anyone to come down, we have people here to help us survive, we can handle ourselves."

He sighs, " Fine, I accept your apology. Let's just not talk about the whole wristband thing, I'll just trust that you know what you're doing, I guess. A little help would be nice in all honesty," He says and gives a small smile.

We make it to the outskirts of the camp, where the bodies of the two kids who died in the Dropship were. We each dug a grave, stripped the kids of their clothes, and buried them. It wasn't the most pleasurable experience, but it had to be done. As we walked back into the camp, Atom, Bellamy's little henchman, asked us where we got the clothes.

"We buried the kids who died in the landing," You respond.

"Smart, I'll take it from here. There's always a market for..." Atom says as he tries to take the clothes from Wells' hands.

"We share based on need, just like back home," Wells' protests back and pulls away.

"You still don't get it, do you, Chancellor? This is home now. Your father's rules no longer apply." Bellamy says walking out of the drop ship shirtless with a gun in his pants, the girl he was with earlier not too far behind him, they kiss before she walks away. You just roll your eyes at the sight. He walks up and takes a shirt from your arms and Well's tries to take it back but fails as Atom holds him back.

"You want it? Take it." Bellamy says staring right at Wells.

"Guys, this pissing contest is stupid. Let's just drop this, please." You say looking between both of them before Wells just throws the clothes towards the group of kids behind us. You just drop the clothes beside yourself, the kids run up next to you clamoring at them.

"Is this what you want? Chaos?" Wells asks, clearly directing it at Bellamy.

"What's wrong with a little chaos?" Bellamy returns and you roll your eyes at him.

We hear a girl scream in the distance and start to make our way over to the source. As we file down the hill, we see Murphy holding a girl towards a fire, " Bellamy. Check it out. We want the Ark to think that the ground is killing us, right? Figure, it'll look better if we suffer a little bit first." Murphy says.

"Let her go!" Wells exclaims as he runs and pushes Murphy back, making him let the girl go. "You can stop this," He says turning to Bellamy.

"Stop this? I'm just getting started" Bellamy responds. You see Murphy get up looking like he's about to murder Wells. Before he got to Wells, you run between him and Bellamy and punch Murphy right in the face.

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