14. Leap of Faith

354 11 0

Post Date: 09.04.20

Word count: 1.7k

Based off: 02x03 "Repercussions"


Clarke starts to try to unlock the cage Anya is in but there's no luck, "We're gonna get you out of here," Clarke reassures Anya.

Clarke gets up and looks for something to break the lock open and you follow after. As you look around you find a rusty bar that you could pull off the wall.  You hand the bar to Clarke who quickly pries open the lock on the cage. As soon as Anya was about to get out of the cage you hear some beeps coming from one of the doors and watch as Tsing walks in. You quickly find an empty cage on the bottom row and crawl in as Clarke crawls into Anya's.

Tsing grabs a blood bag from a container before making her way near the cages to check out the commotion the grounders are making. She walks in between the cages inspecting them before walking out of the room.

"Okay. We've gotta go. Now." You say quickly getting out of the cage and helping Clarke with Anya. She wraps an arm around each of your shoulders as you guys make your way out of the room. You and Clarke grab ahold of a door labeled "END CONTAINMENT AREA" and make your way out.

You guys find yourselves in a small room with what looked like a door underneath. As soon as you guys made it into the room. The door behind you guys started to close. Clarke tried to open it back up but it was not luck.

"What is that?" Anya questioned as an alarm started going off.

"I don't--" You started before the ground below you three disappears. You fall down a chute into a bin. You soon discover that you're laying on a pile of bodies. You and Clarke quickly get up as Anya examines the bodies.

"Anya! Take my hand." Clarke yells holding her hand out. Not too long after Anya takes Clarke's hand and you get out of the bin. As you take in your surroundings you notice that you are in some sort of tunnel outside of Mount Weather.

"We're out," You say after getting ahold of yourself and Anya just stares at the grounders in the bin.

"Hey. Come on, get dressed. We can't cover any ground like this." Clarke says making her way to a pile of clothes.

"I won't leave my people behind," Anya protests as you look through the clothes.

"Anya, listen to me. My people are still inside that place too, but they have guards. They have weapons. Once we get out of here, we can find help. We can come back--" You start.

"There is no 'we'" Anya interrupts. Soon after you hear shouting down the tunnel. "Someone's coming," She says as the voices get louder.

"Not just someone. Reapers," Clarke says recognizing the speaking. Anya quickly goes over to pick something up. "Hey. Anya, you can't fight. You can hardly stand. I have a better idea. Come on," Clarke points out and pulls Anya towards another bin.

You and Clarke help Anya get into the bin and you follow after. Clarke quickly grabs clothes and throws them into the bin before getting in herself. The three of you lay quietly as the reapers continue to approach. The next thing you know you have the grounder bodies tossed into the bin and on top of you. The reapers continue to pile the bodies atop of you guys before wheeling you guys away. You feel the panic start to rise but stay as calm as can be for the sake of living.

After being wheeled for what felt like forever, you finally stopped. The reapers pulled out a body. Clarke got up to inspect the area. "Okay. Come on," Clarke whispers getting ready to get out of the bin.

Anaya gets up and cups one of the grounder's heads, "What are you doing? Let's go," You whisper wanting to get away as quickly as possible.

"Yu gonplei ste odon," Anya says, before snapping his neck. Clearly a phrase in grounder that you didn't understand. The three of you then make your way out of the bin, throwing the clothes over as you do so. You grab some of the clothes and the three of you quickly sneak away down the tunnel.

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