08. The Bridge

538 11 1

Post Date: 06.19.20

Word count: 3.8k

Based off: 01x09 "Unity Day"


You wake up to find Octavia rushing to get out, "Why are you in such a hurry this morning?" You ask her.

"Ummmm... promise not to tell anyone?" She asks you.

You look at her with an expecting look, "Do I look like a snitch?" You ask back knowing that she was planning on going off with Lincoln.

"Thanks girl, I owe you one," She leaves the tent. You get up and start to get ready and head out of the tent. You find a group of kids huddling around a small screen where Chancellor Jaha is speaking about Unity Day.

You pay no attention to the presentation and head straight to the Dropship where you find Finn and Clarke chatting, "Unity Day is a lie," Finn states.

"That is something I can agree with," You tell the two walking up.

"The Ark only came together after the 13th Station was blown out of the sky. Just not the version of history we like to tell each other at parties," Finn explains.

"I wonder if the Ark would've gotten together if the 13th Station wasn't blown up," You add.

"Well, the Unity Day story gives people hope, though. And peace came out of that violence." Clarke defends Unity Day.

"Did there need to be violence at all?" Finn questions back.

"I totally agree." You add in. Clarke just looks down clearly thinking about what Finn had just said. She catches a glimpse of Raven looking up from the screen before walking off.

The next thing you hear is Jasper screaming from the other side of camp, you look up to find him holding a giant canteen, "Monty strikes again! Call this batch unity juice! Who's thirsty?" Jasper yells making his way to the crowd.

You make your way to the crowd as you thought, nothing sounded better than some alcohol. You pick up a cup along the way and hold it out so Jasper could pour some. You downed your whole cup faster than you thought you could and went back in for seconds.

After a few hours you find yourself bored and seeing as the camp is starting to get low on food, you decide to take a hunting party out. You gather a group of kids and grab some spears. Before you head out, you're stopped by Bellamy.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asks clearly concerned.

"We're going on a hunt. We're getting low on food. And I need something to do. It's not like I'm going alone," You explain gesturing to the four kids behind you.

"I'm coming," He responds.

"I can handle myself out there," You start to walk away before Bellamy plucks the spear out of your hand.

You roll your eyes before grabbing another spear, "Fine. But this is my hunting party," You walk ahead of Bellamy and signal for the kids above to open the gate.

You lead the group a few hundred feet away from camp into the area where the boar tend to run. You tell the other kids to spread out in pairs, "See you needed me," Bellamy states following you around the forest.

"I could've gone with any of the other pair of kids," You state back.

"But, because you have me we can cover more ground," He states back.

You sigh but before you could respond you hear rustling in the distance. You pull Bellamy down by the sleeve into the foliage and scan the area. You find a boar not too far ahead of you guys, "You go left. I'll go right," You whisper to Bellamy and then make your way to the right of the boar.

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