13. It was All Lies

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Post Date: 08.28.20

Word count: 1.6k

Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Reader

Based off: 02x02 "Inclement Weather"


The next couple of hours made you feel like you were back in the Skybox. You enjoyed having something to do around camp, but here, you had nothing to do. It made you feel like a prisoner again. It didn't help much that you weren't allowed to leave either.

"Look who finally got released," You hear Jasper say from beside your bed. You pop up to see Miller and Maya walk into the room.

"Hey," Miller says making his way towards you, Clarke and Jasper.

"Miller," Clarke says as she moves to the edge of her bed, dangling her legs off the side.

"I'm glad you're ok," You say moving to the edge of your bed as well.

"Yeah. It only took, what, three surgeries?" He looks over to Maya for confirmation. "I hear you two are fitting right in?" Miller gestures to you and Clarke. You notice the upward glare from Maya, before realizing that she was looking at Clarke.

"Twice a day. Don't forget. He'll be okay in a few days. Here," Maya says handing Miller a pill bottle and a bag. Jasper starts to talk to Maya and you notice how well they're hitting it off, it makes you happy seeing how happy he is. Not much later an alarm starts to go off.

"What's going on?" You ask stepping in front of Maya as she starts to rush out.

"That signal means a surface patrol is back, and someone needs medical attention. I have to go to quarantine," She explains before rushing past you.

"Hey Clarke, Y/N. What are you doing?" Jasper catches both of your arms as you and Clarke start to follow her.

"Maybe they found survivors. If our people are hurt, we have the right to know," Clarke explains for the both of you.

"Pretty sure we shouldn't go wandering around," Jasper says following you two as you don't give him a chance to finish. The three of you run down the halls before finding where Maya had gone to. A group of people including her were getting dressed in suits.

"Who attacked them?" Clarke asks after hearing one of the men explain what happened.

"What are they doing here?" He questions Maya. You don't hesitate for a moment to take a key card from the man's shirt behind you and run off. "Stop it's not safe!" The first man yells.

"It is for us," Clarke responds as you scan the keycard. "Come on Jasper," She says as you open the door.

"Someone's gotta keep them out of trouble," You hear Jasper's voice as you run into the quarantine area.

"Clarke, Y/N slow down," Jasper says as he catches up to you."Stop pushing so hard. These people are--" Jasper starts as you make your way into a room.

"Are lying to us," Clarke states as we get to a body in a bag.

"That's a bullet wound," You point out as you inspect the body. "Grounders don't use guns," You state looking back to Jasper.

"Unless the grounders got the guns from us," Jasper suggests.

"Unlikely," You respond back.

"I think our people are alive out there," Clarke adds in.

"Get them out of here." The doctor from before says as she makes her way into the room. Closely following are two people helping a heavily burned man from the radiation.

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