07. Trippin' Balls

565 11 8

Post Date: 06.12.20

Word count: 3.9k

Based off: 01x08 "Day Trip"


You take a moment before realizing he probably won't give up, "ok. Fine. what?" You reluctantly say.

"Ummm... Maybe alone?" He asks gesturing to Octavia who is setting up her bed.

"Whatever you have to say to me, you can say it to Octavia too." You sternly respond. Bellamy just stays silent for a moment before he realized that you weren't going to budge.

"Ok, well. Uhm, thanks for helping with the antidote, I guess. I don't think Finn would've survived without--" He starts.

"You crossed a line today Bellamy. The moment you were about to kill that grounder in that cave, you started something I'm pretty sure you can't stop. Yes, I'm glad that Finn survived and I'm glad I could be of some help around here. But if you just gave Octavia a chance to explain, maybe, just maybe Finn wouldn't have gotten stabbed." You scoff.

"But we need to know what we're up against. We can't just sit back and let them kill us," He states back.

"I completely understand that. I really do. But this approach you're taking" You step closer to him. "Is what's gonna get us all killed," You state as you stare blankly into his eyes.


"No. I don't want to hear it. I'm done for tonight. I have a splitting headache and you're really not helping." You turn around and see Octavia with a slightly upset face.

"Can we just talk about this, plea--"

"I think you should go," Octavia snaps. Bellamy let's out a breath as he was about to speak again before sighing and leaving the tent. You and Octavia spend the rest of the night setting up your tent and chatting. That night she reveals that the grounder had said "Thank you" to her, revealing that not only can he understand you guys but also speak English.

The next morning you find Octavia already up and getting ready, "Hey, you're up early," You say groggily.

"Yeh, I promised I would help Monty and Jasper with something," She responds putting her shirt on. You get up and start to get ready, yourself.

"I'm gonna check on the grounder. Make sure nothing's happened to him. That and probably finish the conversation with Bellamy. Not like I want to but I think it needs to happen," You sigh.

"I mean you don't have to,"

"I don't think your brother is gonna let me off without finishing it,"

"No, I mean check on the grounder. But yeh, you're probably right." She responds and heads out the tent. You finish getting ready and head to the Dropship. You make your way up to the third level.

"Y/N," Bellamy says instantly as he notices it was you from where he was sitting.

"I'm here to check on the grounder. But we do need to talk," You sigh closing the hatch.

"Like was saying last night I understand that we need to get information. But we can find a better way. We don't need to kidnap one of their own." You state walking over to the grounder.

"Do you have a better idea?" Bellamy asks.

"Well, since we're already in this situation. How about Octavia?" You suggest.

"Not an option."

"You got a better idea?" You repeat his question to him turning around.

"How about next time we want to talk to him, you can be here. Make sure nothing goes without your say," Bellamy suggests. You sigh, but before you could respond Miller opens up the hatch, he glares at you while making his way to Bellamy.

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