12. Too Good to be True

456 9 3

Post Date: 08.21.20

Word count: 2.7k

Based off: 02x01 "The 48″


You wake up no longer covered dirt and grime and in clean white clothes. You search your surroundings to find any indication of where you are. You can see Harper in the room across from you and Monty in the room next to her. You then drift your eyes a little further to the right and see a large sign that says "Mount Weather Quarantine Ward".

You quickly jiggle the handle to try to open the door but find that it's locked from the outside. You try to communicate with Monty and Harper but you can barely hear them through the thick door. You start to pace around the room and wash your face to refresh yourself. You think of how you could get out as you sit along the wall.

After a few hours, you decide to look out the glass again to see if anyone has come around. You notice someone walking into the room where Monty was. You jiggle the handle once more even though you knew it was locked. The next thing you see is glass flying outwards from the room beside yours and an arm reaches out to open the door.

You watch as you see Clarke emerge from the room with a bloody arm. She grabs a piece of glass and approaches the person before ripping the head part of their suit off, revealing a girl around the age of you guys. Clarke backs the girl up in the room out of your view. You frantically look around the room for something to break the glass on your door. You pick up the metal rod that holds the medical bags and smash it against the window of your door. As soon as you reach to the door handle you cut yourself on the glass in the same fashion Clarke had seemed to.

As you open the door you find that Clarke and the girl had disappeared. You go down the hallway to the right and wander around the massive compound. You find an elevator and press the button. Only to find that it doesn't open. You try once more before noticing the red light show up on the side and realize that some sort of key card is needed. Knowing that the elevator won't open you run around to look for another way to get to a different level.

As you run around sirens and lights start to go off, you keep running but are soon stopped by a group of people that seem like guards. You head the opposite direction before being stopped once more by another group of guards. You try to slip by them but they catch you. You struggle and fight as they start to drag you off.

You find yourself taken to some sort of med bay. As soon as they lead you in you see Clarke sitting on a bed with restraints around her wrists. The guards set you on the bed beside her and restraint your wrists as well.

"I see you got out the same way I did," Clake whispers to you looking at the cut on your arm.

"How else would I. Do you know why we're here or who else is here?" You ask.

"No, but we need to find out," She responds back.

"Agreed," You say back before hearing the door open and noticing a group of people walk in.

"Hello, Clarke and Y/N. How are your arms?" A woman with a white coat on asks. You and Clarke stay silent not wanting to talk to anyone but your friends.

"They're not talkers, are they?" She says after a few moments of silence as the people make their way over to us.

"A skill picked up from the savages, no doubt. That's fine. Maya has something to say first anyway." The white-haired man says while gesturing to the girl who Clarke threatened.

"You two were the next ones to be cleared through quarantine. Another 10 minutes and you would have--" She says getting pissed before the white-haired man stops her from outbursting. "I'm not pressing charges on you, Clarke," She says quieter.

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