27. Sector 7

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Post Date: 01.29.21

Word count: 1.4k

Based off: 03x01 "Wanheda: Part 1″

A/N: Italics is trig


It had been a couple of months since Clarke had disappeared. You kept yourself busy with all the training Indra was putting you and Octavia through. As well as your duties around Arkadia. Life didn't necessarily feel normal, especially without Clarke being around, but it was just normal enough to somewhat live without feeling like you were gonna die every moment.

"Hey, Y/N," You hear Octavia yell from across the main gathering place.

"Hey, what's up?" You ask.

"Nothing. Indra and I had this made for you. We figured you deserve your own by now," Octavia says and hands you a machete of your own.

"Thanks! It really means a lot," You say.

"And now you can really kick ass," She says. "I gotta go do some chores, I'll see you later," Octavia says and heads towards the stables.

You head into the Ark to find Bellamy and a few others getting ready to head out of the camp, "Hey, where you all headed?" You ask.

"Sector 7," Bellamy yells.

"I'm coming with," You say walking over to the stables.

"Where are you going?" You hear Monty yell.

You see Octavia prepping a horse, "You going on the run too?" You ask her.

"Yeh. Wanna ride a horse with me?" She asks.

"Of course. Why else would I be over here," You smile.

The two of you get the horses ready and as soon as you see the garage door open from the Ark, you and Octavia head over.

"Try and keep up!" Octavia yells.

The two of you see the smirk on Raven's face before you head for the gates. You ride through the newly built homes and gardens that people have built and straight out of the camp. You ride in front of the rover through the forest towards sector 7. As you got to the field the rover catches up to drive between you and Octavia. You watch as Jasper pops out of the top of the rover, looking a bit happier than his usual hungover self.

Raven stops the rover confusing the two of you. You stop next to them and dismount. "Don't tell us we missed the party," You say opening the back door to the rover.

"Sector 8," Monty says.

"That's Ice Nation," Miller says.

"What about it?" Octavia asks.

"Protocol says we go home. Let the Chancellor decide what to do next," Raven says.

"Screw protocol. The Chancellor's not from Farm Station. Monty is. So is Miller's boyfriend. It's your call," Bellamy says looking at Monty and Miller.

"Let's do this," Monty says.

"You have to ask?" Miller says.

"Try to keep up," Bellamy says to you and Octavia.

Octavia shuts the door and the two of you hop back on your horses and follow the rover. They stop at the edge of some woods and you all get on foot to go further.

"These woods must be the border," Bellamy says.

"So where's all the ice?" Jasper asks.

"Much further north. Azgeda stretches for 1,000 miles," Octavia says from beside you.

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