09. Bloodshot

529 13 1

Post Date: 07.03.20

Word count: 4.2k

Based off: 01x10 "I am Become Death"


You found yourself restless throughout the night and not able to sleep. After beginning to feel impatient you quietly get up.

"Can't sleep?" You hear Octavia's voice quietly.

"You too, O?" you ask back quietly stopping at the entrance of the tent.

"Yeah," She sighs as you go to slowly sit down in front of her. "How's your leg?" She asks.

"Could be better. How are you?" You sigh.

"I'm just so pissed at them. If they had waited or better yet not bring guns. We could've actually had something with the grounders." Octavia states.

"I agree. Honestly, if I had handled the entire meeting then maybe we could have had an alliance." You respond back as Octavia sighs.

"It would've gone so much smoother if you had," She states.

"I'm gonna try to get some sleep. I wanna check out the crash. If your brother even lets me." You scoff as you slowly shift in pain to your side of the tent.

"Ok. goodnight and be careful with your leg," Octavia answers laying back down.

"I will. Night," You chuckle lightly and lay down.

The next morning you get up and find Bellamy, Finn, Raven, Clarke, along with a few others. Getting ready to go to the Exodus Ship Crash site. You walk over to Bellamy and Clarke as they gather a few supplies.

"Anything I can help with?" You ask making your way to the two.

"Stay here and rest. You'll need your strength." Bellamy replies sternly.

"I'm fine. I can walk." You state making your way around the two.

"Bellamy's right. We need you to rest. And someone to watch over the camp," Clarke chimes in.

You look at the two hoping they would let up, "Fine." You respond annoyed seeing as the two wouldn't let you come.

You spend your day doing the daily rounds for each station since there isn't anyone else to do so and you don't trust anyone to keep watch except Octavia, but she was on the meat station. Seeming as everyone was on task, you went to go hang with Octavia.

"Taking a break?" Octavia asks as you sit down on a stool next to her.

"Yeh. That and I'm sick of making the rounds. Everything seems fine." You respond.

"Well. I for one think you should rest that leg anyway."

"I'm fine. I'm walking right?"

"Oh come on. I saw you limping around camp. You need the rest." She laughs lightly.

"I'm walking right?" I repeat myself laughing slightly.

"You are right but it doesn't hurt to take care of yourself." She turns towards me.

"It seems as though the Blake siblings won't let me. I'm taking care of myself just fine." You sit up puffing your chest out a bit.

"How so? Did something happen?" She pokes you with a stick being curious.

"Aren't you pissed at your brother? I know I am." You respond a bit confused.

"Yes. But you're like my sister. I need to know these things," She sits next to you. You sigh and tell her knowing she won't give up.

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