22. Inside Man

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Post Date: 12.18.20

Word count: 1.9k

Based off: 02x11 "Coup de Grace"


The next morning you woke up bright and early to start your training season with Indra. You quickly get ready and head outside. You find yourself not too far behind Octavia and catch up, so you'd both be on time.

Indra had put both you and Octavia through some drills before you went out to scout. As you, Octavia, and a group of grounders scouted on the outskirts of the camp, you all found some mountain men. One of the other grounders with you shot an arrow, instantly killing one of the men. As you and Octavia approached the second mountain man, as Indra told the other grounders to stand down, you did as well to let Octavia take on the mountain man.

Octavia landed a few hits on the man before receiving a few herself. As the man left himself open Octavia found the perfect moment to slice his suit with her machete, causing the man to be exposed to radiation and air to be released from his suit. Octavia was about to go in for the kill when Clarke rode in on a horse and stopped her.

"Octavia! No! He's from Mount Weather. We need to keep him alive. Check to see if he's got a patch kit. We've got to get him back to camp," Clarke says. You quickly move to Octavia and the man and search for a kit in his pile of stuff. As the man continues to scream in pain you pull out what looks like to be pictures.

"What is that?" Clarke asks. You look through the photos and find them to be of Clarke and Lexa.

"You and Lexa were the targets," You say bringing the photos to Clarke.

"We have to warn the commander," Indra says before speaking to the grounder on the horse behind Clarke in their language. Once the suit is patched, you all take the mountain man and bring him back to camp and directly to Abby.

As Clarke, Abby, and Indra take care of the grounder and mountain man you go to your room to put away your weapon and to clean up a bit. As soon as you were done, Clarke came to grab you to interrogate the mountain man. You followed her to the small room they were containing him in so he couldn't be affected by the radiation.

Marcus was trying to get answers out of the man but he only was responding with his name, "Carl Emerson. Mount Weather Security Detail," Emerson says.

"You already said. You don't seem to be grasping the situation here. You should've died in the woods. We saved your life. Why not help us bring an end to all this?" Marcus asks, but the man still answers with his name and job title.

"He's not gonna talk," You say from beside Clarke.

"He will if we open the door," Marcus says. Abby quickly moves to mute the speaker in Emerson's room.

"We are not doing that," Abby says before walking away.

"We need to know what he knows. Vulnerabilities. Troop numbers," Marcus says.

"She's right," Clarke says holding something in her hands.

"Torture doesn't work," You say.

"It could save your friends," Marcus responds.

"I'm the Chancellor," Abby responds.

"The act like one!" Marcus yells back. "I told you I would support you as long as I believe you were doing the right thing,"

"I am. And if you disagree...convene a vote and take my place," Abby says.

"I don't give a damn...about the title. I just want to save our people," Marcus says.

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