31. There's a War Brewing

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Post Date: 03.26.21

Word count: 1.1k

Based off: 03x05 "Hakeldama"


The next morning you wake up to Bellamy, Pike, and his followers walking in from the gates with guns in their hands and blood on their vests.

"I thought they were in lock-up?" You asked coming up to Octavia.

"Pike won as a write-in," Octavia says. You didn't say anything else as you watched them walk in from whatever they just did. "Bellamy, you okay?" Octavia asks making her way to her brother.

"I'm fine," He replied practically ignoring her.

"What happened out there?" You asked, but he just walked past you.

"Lock it up," Pike says as he walks into Arkadia. "Everybody, listen up. 24 hours ago, you elected me your Chancellor. Every action I've taken since, and every action I will take, will be to achieve one sacred goal. The creation of a self-sustaining, prosperous, and safe Arkadia. This morning, on a muddy field, our people paid tribute to those who have been taken from us by sending a message to the grounders. This land is ours now. Resist and you will be met by force. Fight and you will be greeted by death. Today is a new beginning. Mark it down, remember it just like the grounders will remember it," Pike says to everyone outside.

Once Pike and his group were inside, Kane didn't hesitate to approach Octavia and you. You all made your way through the halls of the Ark, "Is it true you tried to leave camp to see Indra yesterday?" Kane asks Octavia.

"Look, don't you have more important things to worry about than who's sneaking out of camp?" She asks back.

"As it turns out, that's why you two are here," Kane says as you and Octavia look around to where you stopped. "Indra signaled. She wants to meet. I'd go myself, but Pike's watching everything I do now," Kane explains.

"You want us to go see Indra?" You ask.

"I need you to," He says handing us our machetes.

"If I can speak for the both of us. We're in. But how do we get out? The gate is armed with--" You start as Kane lifts a panel on the wall.

"Crawlspace door in 20 feet, drops you outside the camp wall. Get out there. You find out what the hell happened and you report back here. Can you two do that?" Kane asks.

"I was born for this," Octavia says before Kane was called to the Chancellor's office.

"Be safe," Kane says to me.

"You too," You say and head down the crawlspace after Octavia.

You and Octavia make it out of Arkadia and head to the hill where the army was. When you got there, you couldn't believe what they had done. There were dead grounders everywhere. The two of you made your way to the tent and found, Lexa, Clarke, Indra, and a few others inside.

"Octavia? Y/N? Where's Kane?" Clarke says.

"He sent us," You say.

"Indra. Thank god," Octavia says sitting down next to her.

"How did this happen?" Lexa asks.

"Kane lost the election to Pike. Everything's different," You explain.

"Your people voted for this," Lexa says.

"No. No, I don't believe that" Clarke says.

"How would you know, Clarke? You haven't been here," You say.

"Listen to me. The grounder army is gonna be here in less than a day. I need to see Bellamy," Clarke says.

"Bellamy was a part of this. He's with Pike. What makes you think he'll help us"? Octavia says.

"He saved Indra's life. If what Octavia and Y/N is saying is true, then Pike trusts him. If I can get to him, he can get to Pike," Clarke tells Lexa.

"You can't just walk through the gates, Clarke. You've been living with their enemy. If it were me, I'd kill you on the spot," Lexa says.

"We can get her in," You say. The three of you head back to Arkadia and sneak Clarke in. You take Clarke to your room and wait there as Octavia gets Bellamy.

"Do you know what's going on with Bellamy? I mean I can't believe he'd do something like this," Clarke says as you wait.

"Ater Gina died, he's just been giving us a cold shoulder. And I think he just wants to avenge her," You say before the door opens up.

"Now, I'm done," Octavia says and walks out. You follow to allow them to speak alone.

"What happened?" You ask her.

"Lincoln and the rest of the sick grounders were interned. And he tried to tell me that I need to stop playing grounder. He just....ugh," Octavia explains.

"Are you serious? For what?" You ask.

"For being grounders," Octavia says.

"This is ridiculous. We need to figure out what the hell is going on," You say.

"I agree," Octavia says as you hear voices from down the hall. You recognized them as Bellamy and Clarke, which means this probably wasn't good.

"Believe it or not, I'm doing this for your own good," Bellamy says.

"Believe it or not, I'm doing this for yours," Octavia says taking down the guard with them.

"You can't just hit a guard," Bellamy says.

"She just did," You say.

"Let her go," Octavia says.

"I can't do that," Bellamy responds.

"They're coming," Clarke says as we heard voices further down the hall.

"You two should go," Bellamy says before Clarke takes a baton to Bellamy.

"Y/N, hurry up," Octavia says and you try to find the key to unlock the cuffs. "Follow me," She says after you find it. You all make it back to the panel where Kane and Abby were waiting.

"Mom?" Clarke asks as Kane takes no time to lift the panel.

"We know what happened. We know what Pike did. Is there anything we can do to prevent retaliation?" Abby asks.

"Abby, hurry," Kane says.

"We came here to give them Pike," Octavia blurts out.

"He's the duly elected Chancellor. Our people knew what they were voting for. Besides, he has the gaurs and all the guns. Can't get close to him," Kane explains.

"And that's not the way we do things," Abby says.

"Then maybe it's time we changed the way we do things," Octavia says as someone announces a security breach over the PA.

"You three need to go, now," Kane whispers.

"What about Lincoln?" Octavia asks.

"You want to help him? Do it from outside. With this. The range isn't great, stay close and wait for me to contact you. Go," Kane says and hands Octavia a radio. The three of you quickly head into the crawlspace and head outside the wall. You and Octavia wait outside of the camp as Clarke goes to talk with Lexa.

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