33. Unexpected Outcomes

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Post Date: 05.28.21

Word count: 917

Based off: 03x07 "Thirteen"

A/N: Trig is Bolded


Semet and the others took you and Octavia on the long journey back to Polis to see the Commander, Lexa. They didn't stop as they wanted to get to polis as quick as possible.

"The Flamekeeper promised we would be heard!" Semet says as he bursts through the guards. The other men push you and Octavia forwards.

"Octavia. Y/N," You barely hear Clarke. You look over to see her standing off to the side.

"Forgive me for intruding on this holy day, Commander. I am Semet of Trikru and I come seeking justice," Semet says to Lexa.

"Explain yourself. Why do you hold Octavia and Y/N of Skaikru prisoner?" Lexa questions.

"They are prisoners of war, Commander -- brought here to bear witness to the crimes of their people," Semet explains.

"What crimes? What happened?" Clarke questions both Semet and Titus.

"Skaikru attacked their village. Because their warriors were lost when your people massacred the army we had sent to protect you, their village was defenseless," Titus explains.

"Please, Commander. I beg you. Avenge us," Semet says.

"Blood must have blood!" A woman in the crowd says.

"Death to Skaikru!" A man says as the others in the room start to get agitated.

"You will show respect in this chamber!" Titus says to the upset grounders. Once the other grounders had calmed down a bit, Clarke, Lexa and Titus leave to discuss what to do. After a few minutes they return, silencing the other grounders.

"Today I call upon the armies of the 12 clans to march on Arkadia. Not to attack, but to contain. We will blockade the 13th clan. We will keep them from the lands they wish to possess. We will give them time to take out their leaders from within. Once they rise up against them, then we will welcome them back as one of us," Lexa announces.

"You heard the commander. Send riders. Tell your armies to set up a buffer zone around Arkadia. 5 miles should be enough to keep them away from our villages. What are their orders, Heda?" Titus says.

"Any Skaikru caught across the line will be subject to a kill order," Lexa says surprising us.

"Heda, I do not understand. How is this vengeance?" Seme asks, questioning Lexa's commands.

"It is not vengeance, my brother. It is justice," Lexa responds.

"Skaikru killed my sons. And my brother and my wife. If the spirit of the commander will not protect us then what will?" Semet says to the others..

"You mind yourself, Semet," Titus reminds him.

"Death to the commander!" Semet yells. He charges at Lexa, but Titus was able disarm and stab him in the throat him before he could get close.

"Blood must have blood," Titus says to Lexa. After the events in the chamber, they had released you and Octavia and allowed you to talk to Clarke.

"No wonder you wanted to stay," Octavia says to Clarke.

"Stop. You know why i'm here. Are you two ok?" Clarke asks.

"Yeah," You and Octavia say in unison.

"I saw Indra in the crowd. Why wasn't she with Lexa?" Octavia says.

"Indra's not doing so well. We can't deal with that right now," Clarke says.

"Ok, so what do we do?" You ask.

"I have to talk to Lexa," Clarke responds.

"You just did that and came out with a kill order on all of us. That's the second time that she left us all to die," You point out.

"The 12 clans want a war. You two know that. Lexa's just trying not to wipe us out," Clarke says.

"Why am I not surprised that you're still defending her?" Octavia says.

"I'll see what I can do. Stay here, both of you," Clarke says.

"Yeah, right," You say under your breath.

"Let's go," Octavia says implying she agrees with you. You walk around Polis as Octavia is taken to see Indra.

"How is she?" You ask as Octiavia finds you in the crowd.

"Not good. She's giving up," She responds.

"That doesn't sound like Indra," You say.

"It isn't," Octavia says as the two of you make your way back to the tower.

"She told you you can stay, didn't she?" You ask walking into Clarke's room.

"What did you say?" Octavia adds.

"Nothing," Clarke responds.

"Clarke, we all know that Pike won't obey the blockade. We need to stop him before more of our people get killed," You say.

"What if I can do more for them by just staying here?" Clarke asks.

"You can't, Clarke. We don't have time for this," Octavia doesn't hesitate to say.

"Look. We need you. The kill order goes into effect at dawn. You have an hour to say your good-byes," You say before you walk out with Octavia.

"If you're not there, you're not the person I thought you were," Octavia says before you leave the room.

"Do you think she's coming?" You ask Octavia.

"I don't know. But I hope she does," She responds. The two of you head down to the edge of the city and wait for Clarke to show up. About an hour passes and you don;t see any sign of Clarke so the two of you start to leave.

"Octavia and Y/N kom Skaikru," You hear from behind you. The both of you immediately recognize the voice to be Indra's and you see a smile form on Octavia's face. Indra then joins the two of you as you leave Polis.

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