18. Back from the Edge

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Post Date: 10.02.20

Word count: 2.9k

Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Reader

Based off: 02x07 "Long into an Abyss"


After seeing that there currently no way to get inside Mount Weather, you all made your way back to the camp. The next morning you spent just hanging around and getting used to the camp. Later in the day you and the rest of the people were called outside for an announcement by Abby.

"By now, you've all heard the rumor. And unfortunately, it's true. The grounders are coming. We have a difficult decision to make. Thankfully Chancellor Jaha has found his way back to us. And we're discussing all options," Abby announces.

"But to be safe...you need to pack. Now. Whatever you can carry. We may need to leave at a moment's notice," Jaha adds.

"Where will we go?" A man in the crowd asks.

"I don't know, is the answer. But I heard of a place. A city of light. It's across the dead zone," Jaha responds.

"What makes you think we'll make it there?" The man asks.

"Because we made it here. I have faith. And right now, given the alternative...that's good enough for me," Jaha says.

"Not for us. If we leave, what happens to our people in Mount Weather?" You ask.

"As Abby said...that is a very difficult decision to make. But the time has come for each and every one of us to ask...is this how the story of our people ends? Did we come all this way just to die tomorrow? Because if we're not gone by the time that sun rises, that is exactly what will happen," Jaha says as murmurs start to fill the crowd.

"No decision's been made. In the meantime, please report to your station supervisor and gather emergency supplies," Abby says and the crowd starts to disperse. Clarke doesn't hesitate one moment to go after her moment but Bellamy comes up and stops her.

"Hey, where have you been?" Clarke asks as you turn your attention to him.

"In the dropship. You two need to come back with me right now," Bellamy says quietly.

"Why? What's happened?" You ask.

"I'll explain on the way. Bring a medkit. Meet me at Raven's gate," He explains before walking off. You head off to get a medkit and any other supplies you might need. Clarke, you and Bellamy make your way to the dropship.

As you and Clarke make your way in you see Octavia huddled in a corner. And over to the left, Lincoln tied up once more, but this time he seems more enraged and savage like, exactly like the reapers.

"It's okay. It's okay. He's been restrained," Bellamy says from behind you.

"I can't believe we're here again," Clarke states.

"Can you help him?" Octavia asks with raspiness in her voice.

"I don't know," Clarke says examining Lincoln. Lincoln growls and continually tries to break free, it's like his humanity is gone. "I knew Mount Weather controlled the Reapers," Clarke says.

"We had no idea they were creating them," You add.

"If they can do that to Lincoln, what are they doing to our friends?" Bellamy asks. We watch as Lincoln continues to struggle against the restraints before he starts to shake.

"He's convulsing," Clarke says.

"So, what does it mean?" Octavia asks.

"What happened to his leg?" Clarke asks pointing to the injury.

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