Meeting God

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Satoshi's POV:

'Where am I'

I pondered as I slowly open my eyes.

When I successfully opened them, I saw that I was in some kind of unfamiliar white room.

I also noticed how I was floating in mid-air. I looked around the white place for a while and then suddenly I heard a voice.

"ꁝꏂ꒒꒒ꄲ ꂵꌦ ꒯ꏂꋬꋪ ꉔꁝ꒐꒒꒯"

("Hello my dear child.")

"Who is it."

I asked bluntly.

"꒐ꋬꂵ ꓄ꁝꏂ ꍌꄲ꒯ ꄲꊰ ꉔꋪꏂꋬ꓄꒐ꄲꋊ."

("I am the God of creation.")

"And what does the God of creation want from me?"

I asked tiredly, as I continue to look around the white place, trying to locate where the voice was coming from.

"ꌦꄲ꒤ ꋬꋪꏂ ꋬ ꒦ꏂꋪꌦ ꒐ꋊ꓄ꏂꋪꏂꇙ꓄꒐ꋊꍌ ꌦꄲ꒤ꋊꍌꇙ꓄ꏂꋪ."

(You are a very interesting youngster.")

The "God" stated with a somewhat curious tone.

"Please do get to the point."

I said bluntly as I located and faced a bright ball a few feet away from me.

"ꄲꁝ ꋪ꒐ꍌꁝ꓄! ꋬꇙ ꓄ꁝꏂ ꇙꄲ꒤꒒ ꓄ꁝꋬ꓄ ꅐꋬꇙ ꉣ꒐ꉔꀘꏂ꒯ ꃳꌦ ꂵꌦ
꒯ꏂꋬꋪ ꊰꋪ꒐ꏂꋊ꒯ (aka Truck-sama), ꌦꄲ꒤ ꁝꋬ꒦ꏂ ꃳꏂꏂꋊ
ꉔꁝꄲꇙꏂꋊ ꓄ꄲ ꃳꏂ ꋪꏂ꒐ꋊꉔꋬꋪꋊꋬ꓄ꏂ꒯ ꓄ꄲ ꋬꋊꄲ꓄ꁝꏂꋪ ꅐꄲꋪ꒒꒯,
ꅐꁝꏂꋪꏂ ꌦꄲ꒤ ꉔꋬꋊ ꏂꋊ꒻ꄲꌦ ꋬ ꃳꋪꋬꋊ꒯ ꋊꏂꅐ ꒒꒐ꊰꏂ! "

("Oh right! As the soul that was picked by my dear friend (aka Truck-sama), you have been chosen to be reincarnated to another world, where you can enjoy a brand new life!)

"I don't need another boring life, all I want to do now is rest and that is all."

I said bluntly while keeping my droopy and tired eyes open.

'Well, who would want to be reincarnated to another world, when you'll just live in this boring ball called earth, and suffer again, no one.'

I thought to myself, as my eyes started to feel heavier.

"ꅐꏂ꒒꒒ ꒐꓄ ꒐ꇙꋊ'꓄ ꍌꄲ꒐ꋊꍌ ꓄ꄲ ꃳꏂ ꃳꄲꋪ꒐ꋊꍌ ꋬꇙ ꌦꄲ꒤ꋪ ꄲ꓄ꁝꏂꋪ ꒒꒐ꊰꏂ, ꇙ꒐ꋊꉔꏂ ꌦꄲ꒤'꒒꒒ ꃳꏂ ꓄ꋪꋬꋊꇙꉣꄲꋪ꓄ꏂ꒯ ꒐ꋊ ꋬ ꊰꋬꋊ꓄ꋬꇙꌦ ꅐꄲꋪ꒒꒯!"

("Well it isn't going to be boring as your previous life, since you'll be transported in a fantasy world!")

The God in a form of a white ball said proudly.

"Sounds tempting but no. Living is a waste of my time I already died, so why do I need to live again?"

I asked as I fight the urge to succumb to sleep, not wanting to wake up in another world, a fantasy world at that.

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