Let's just sleep

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When footsteps coming from the entrance started to grow louder, the faces of the two showed various expression.

One is of annoyance while the other is of relief. Tatsuya stood up from the floor, startling Leo who begun to sulk.

"I'm over here, Sato-san, Lily-san!"

Tatsuya yelled, so that the two could follow his voice, and locate them among the piles of trash.

Which worked... in under ten seconds, Sato and Lily had found Tatsuya. Sato who came first halted in her movements once she made eye contact with an annoyed looking Leo.

"Ow! Why'd you suddenly sto-?!"

Lily exclaimed as she bumped her head on Sato's surprisingly sturdy back, only to halt her words once her eyes landed on Leo.

"Sato-san? Lily-san? What's wrong?"

Tatsuya said in pure confusion, which sounded adorable in the ears of the three people.

"*Cough* No-nothing..!"

Sato coughed, while Lily avoided making eye contact with Tatsuya who was tilting his head.

"Ehem! Anywaysssss! What are you doing here your-"

Lily once again halted when Leo made a gesture from behind, his index finger on his lips, his eyes staring at her with absolute command.

'Be quite.'

Was the meaning behind the action. It was not a request, but a threat that sent shivers down Sato and Lily's spine.

Tatsuya who had a keen sense of danger, felt that something was off. He turned around to face the source of his senses trigger, but was only faced with an Innocent looking Leo, who has his head tilted upon Tatsuya's instinctual action.

Shrugging Tatsuya decided to turn his head back to Sato and Lily who now looked bewildered.

"What's wrong?"

Tatsuya questioned which in return, only got a stare off between the two before Sato and Lily fake coughed their way out of the question.

"It's nothing, we just uhhh... never expected you to meet my cousin so soon Tatsu!"

Lily exclaimed, Tatsuya being a grown teen, raised in a strict household, while also having a fair knowledge about bdy language, knew that they were lying but choose not to pry deeper.

"Okay then... By the way, what do you think of our cleaning? Me and Leo placed a lot of effort in just cleaning this room up, right Leo?"


While Leo and Tatsuya spoke to each other, Sato and Lily looked at Leo with utter disbelief.

'Since when did that demon cousin of mine ever smile so genuinely?! He even looks like a sun now by how bright his smiling!!'

'Am I really that old like that demon child have always said? I'm still 17 but I'm already seeing one of the most ridiculous and unbelievable scenes... am I dying?'

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