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Tatsuya's POV:

It has been two years since I learned magic, and still no signs of my parents family.

At this point I could've doubted about my parents having a family if it weren't for the gifts they were sending...

Which could have been self sent...

But I'm not going to waste my time thinking about people whom I never met.

My parents still haven't found out that I can use magic, which was highly suspicious as they are very good at using magic.

I can't say it's because their age because it won't make sense, the other option will be that the God who sent me here made it possible.

Today I have learnt a lot of defensive and some offensive spells to help secure my fate, of not getting kidnapped.

I learned how to use a bit of lightning magic, and managed to some how modify the spell for easier casting and use less mana, though it did took me two and a half months to successfully modify it.

The results didn't let me down when I tested it through a butler who happened to pass by, it caused him to be passed out for the whole two days.

And sincerely the incident was near my resting quarters, the security had been tightened...

'Sorry butler that I don't know the name of.'

I thought as I clasped my hands and gave a bow filled with sincerity.

I also came up with a defensive lightning magic, as the lightning made something like a barrier around me, just this one was made with electricity that has the same intensity as the magic I used on the butler.

Then again, sorry dear butler.

I have also tinkered with some water type magic spells, that can be used defensively and offensively.

I tinkered with the spell water ball, for this experiment.

I made it so that if someone or something even just lightly grazed the ball, it would explode into a shape of needles, as it will all scatter in a one meter distance.

Though it was made with a water type magic, it is powerful enough to pierce through your skin and cause an electric shock.

Since I mixed just I tiny amount of lightning magic inside of it, making it move fast and struck strong, just like a lightning.

So it could be used to use as a bait to flee, or to attack your enemies.

Thinking about it I haven't seen my status yet have I?



NAME: Osamu Tatsuya
BIRTHDAY: April 7th
AGE: 5 years old
RACE: Human
HIDDEN RACE: Demi human-Angel=LOCKED
MAGIC(S):Water and Light
BLESSING(S):Illusion, Regeneration, Recreation, Space/time, Lightning
TITLE(S): Spell Creator
HIDDEN TITLES: Favored by God of creation, Reincarnated, Prodigy
MP: 600/600
HP: 755/755
IQ: 245
EQ: 108
CHARM: 109
GOOD: 31
BAD: 17

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