A Fox? Wait a minute...

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I just want to inform that before you guys start reading, that I would be changing the 1st POV to 3rd POV from this point on forward.

Just want you guys to know so that it won't cause chaos.


Tatsuya walked with Sato and the fairies. Along the way he activated his ability, to see what kind of situation they were walking into.

Tatsuya didn't seem to sense anything a miss as they continue to walk farther and farther away from the the Sakura tree.

He was immersed in his thoughts when he suddenly received a notice, he took a look at his opened ability, and was surprised seeing a sudden white dot flickering weakly in his screen.

It was then that he heard Adeline's serious tone.


Adeline rushed towards the faint flickering of the white dot, as Sato carried him in her arms. Tatsuya dismissed the transparent screen floating in front of him, and clung to Sato's clothes.

It only took a few seconds before Tatsuya could sense a new presence, it was faint and weak but he still managed to sense it.

Sato placed Tatsuya on the ground gently, and he thanked her in return. Looking forward to where a lump was formed in the ground filled with flowers.

He slowly and cautiously walked to where the two fairies were floating, and then looked down at the lump.

Tatsuya saw a tail and a pair of ears, it was a fox just like Sato. The only difference would be the other's colors.

Unlike Sato's orange like color that resembles that of a sunset, the little cub's color is like that of a dirty white cloth.

Tatsuya frowned when he smelled the familiar smell of copper lingering on the slumbering cub.


"How can someone be so cruel?!"

"You two calm down."

Adeline who who had an unreadable expression, floated near the little cub, as the two women looked at the cub with worry, while Tatsuya merely observed.

A few moments passed, and a glowing light started emitting from Adeline's hands that were gently touching the cubs visible wounds.

Pained groans escaped the unconscious cub's mouth, but in closer inspection, the cub's complexion started getting better at Adeline's continued healing.

It only took five minutes, until all the little cub's wounds were healed. And by then, the cub had already fallen into deep sleep without it's scrunched up face of pain this time.

Adeline who finished helping the cub, still looked unreadable, yet the slightly soften look didn't bypass Tatsuya's observation.

'Hmm... I've read that the fairies healing magic were the second most potent than that of any race. The angel race topping it off, of course.'

Tatsuya thought as he continued to observe. He carefully watched Adeline's next course of action, Adeline looked at Sato and her sisters eyes, and the three seemed to have a mutual understanding just by looking at each other, because after that Tatsuya would have never expected her request of assistance from him.

"Tatsuya, can I trouble you to look after this child for us."

She asked, Tatsuya was bewildered for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"Good, then. Sato, Antoinette, let's go."

Adeline said, handing over the cub to Tatsuya's arms, before turning back to face Sato and Antoinette.

"We'll leave it up to you, Tatsu-kun."

"See you later Tatsu~!"

With that, a flash of bright light replaced the three who were once in front of him, as their presence vanished in flash.

Tatsuya stared at the empty space not sure what to do now that the three were gone. He looked at the little fox in his arms, that was snuggling close to him, seeking some warmth.

Tatsuya sighed he did not know what to do. So he just leisurely made his way back under the sakura tree, and gently sat down as to not disturb the slumbering cub.

The cool and gentle breeze brushed across his face, the scent of flowers and the soft calming noises were carried within the wind.

Gently parting the soft warm fur on top of his lap, the warmth that he felt through his hands as he creased it's fur, made him yawn.

'Hmmm... It seems that my energy isn't fully recovered yet.'

He thought, Tatsuya decided to close his eyes and take a nap. After that... Well, that will be up to his future self. Right now he needs some rest.


Tatsuya awoke when he felt someone staring at him, and a looming figure blocking the light that was once shining on him.

He did not know how long he had napped, but the absence of the three, reassured him that he had not been asleep that long.

Opening his eyes, he was faced with a boy, a little small but surely not that far from his age. The boy stiffened his eyes going wide, the boy abruptly backed away causing the boy to land on his bum.

Tatsuya and the boy looked at each other, blinking at each other, but both made no commentaries on either boys presence.

'He looks... familiar, not that I've seen him before, but his features are familiar to me...'

Tatsuya thought, analayzing the boy's appearance, while also looking for any signs of discomfort.

'I should check.'

Was Tatsuya's thought, he knew that the boy was familiar, but he didn't know of him nor did the boy by his expression, so he could only use appraisal know the boy to find out.

Well... let's just say he did not expect that the boy in front of him would be that important. But by appearance alone, he already stands out from the rest. So it should have been obvious enough...

"Another male lead..."

Tatsuya muttered under his breath, which caused the sensitive boy to tilt his head, his other pair of animal ears flickering in response.


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