This is cunning..?

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"Tatsuya, is everything okay?!"

The person yelled, as light surrounded them started to diminish.

"Yes, I am fine Adeline-san, just a little inconvenience."

Was Tatsuya's answer, after the light fully diminished, three familiar looking people emerged, wearing the expression of distress and worry on their faces.

The three did not believe Tatsuya's answer, especially when they saw an unknown child laying on his lap that obviously looked like a beast man. So Tatsuya had no choice but to spill out some common details.

The time the little fox was sleeping peacefully was spent with Tatsuya explaining what had happened when they were gone.

It was not like Tatsuya can keep a secret from them, even if he did, it's only the parts that he shouldn't have knowledge of, that he did not revealed.

"*Sigh* Still, you should be careful Tatsuya. Though he is a kid, he is still a part of the beast men race, unlike a normal human like you, he has a lot more strength that could easily fold you in half."

"Don't scare Tatsu-chan sister!"

"I'm not scaring him, I'm just telling him facts that he should know, so that he would not die in the near future if we're not there with him."

"But still..!"

"It's fine, I knew of the consequences when I acted, but if it helped even at least a bit then I do not regret it."

'Especially if it helps me not ending up as a fodder for a plot...'

Was Tatsuya's unsaid thoughts. The three clearly looked worried and troubled by Tatsuya's answer, but Tatsuya does not get why he was getting such stares.


'Why is the world so cruel to the most innocent life forms..?'

'Tatsu you precious baby!!~'

These were the thoughts of the three that were left unsaid, as only a sigh escaped their mouths.

"Anyway, should we head back to the village? The others are probably worried about you, and the boy sleeping on your lap needs a proper place to rest."

Sato said as she and Antoinette hovered worriedly around them, with Adeline giving them piercing stares as she assess their conditions.

To bad for Adeline, Tatsuya had already taken care of his injuries and cleaned the blood that had stained his clothes. So really, there would be nothing significant enough to notice about him, other than the exhausted boy sleeping on his lap.
Sato and Tatsuya went back to the village with a new addition in tow, the two walked side by side, basking in the soft brushing of the wind, and the silence that followed.

It was already dark, at some point, which allowed them to have the beautiful arrangements of stars to accompany and guide them back to the village.

"Isn't the stars beautiful."

Sato whispered, but it was heard by Tatsuya as he nodded in agreement. After that the two continued to walk in silence, no one talked anymore, the silence accompanying them once more...

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